but there was no transformation and therefore no freedom

Rebecca, USA


Forty years in the metaphysical desert only to be brought home by the shocking but beautiful sounds/words coming from Dr. Vijai Shankar. I enjoy the poetry of all the present non-duality teachers but there was no transformation and therefore no freedom until I heard the words "Life is an optical and auditory illusion of light and sound" and "Man does not make life happen, life happens to him, therefore he cannot be the thinker, speaker or doer” as revealed by Dr. Shankar." What freedom. Everything still gets done only now there is little interference from the ego and it is a marvel to behold. Shades of Nisargadatta and J. Krishnamurti who have long since passed and Shankar is alive to carry on in his unique manner. The mystical is magical once again, but this time it makes sense.