Enquiry: Conversation between Marius (17, sixth former, Germany) and Marcus (Germany)

Marcus: Only a small part of human beings are really interested in understanding life. What is dispensed by parents, teachers, science, religion and spirituality, obviously is incomplete for questions remain and clarity is not attained. To realize this is an important step for man to begin to enquire deeply. This enquiry, sooner or later, turns inwards, to explore one‘s own mind, whether it is real or not. For the thoughts which we have about the world are all we know about the world, it is wise to enquire what thoughts really are, where they come from and whether they are real or illusory. Then it will reveal itself that WHAT WE KNOW about life IS NOT LIFE AS IT IS. Here is a compilation of a conversation with a young man who is yet to deeply enquire into life.
Marius: Is life an illusion? Are we just film-goers in a cinema in which our film of life is shown? Is everything predestined? Are we just the spectators of our own life? Do we have free will, are we able to decide or is it just an illusion to think that we can act freely and decide on our own? I have talked a long time with Marcus which has this opinion. He says that he lives “very relaxed, because he is aware that the whole film is just an illusion and does not depend on responsibility, guilt, fear, frustration, anger etc.” Here is an excerpt of his emails. I wrote him that I do not “believe” that all is predestined.
Marcus responded: “The belief to be the doer or not, does not help much, because it is just a thought. A man who has a belief sooner or later has doubts too which makes him insecure again. This shows that any belief is useless when the chips are down. But if it happens to you that you begin to doubt the belief that you are the doer which you have BELIEVED so far then it is a DOUBT of a BELIEF and this is the beginning of an UNDERSTANDING. As soon as all beliefs of the mind, i.e. the whole conditioning, are understood to be just illusory, ENLIGHTENMENT reveals itself, meaning freedom from BELIEFS and DOUBTS, which amounts in absolute CLARITY that life is safe in life‘s hands.” He further asked whether everybody who is in jail is imprisoned innocently”. Marcus responded: “Everybody is always exactly at that place where life puts him for this moment, be it in jail or outside. Freedom however is not a question of being in jail or outside of it - man is imprisoned in his mind, because he believes that whatever he thinks is a reality made by himself or other human beings. Many a man is a prisoner of his idea of what happiness is: As soon as I have achieved this or that, then I will be happy! But real happiness is not in the future, because future never is. Future, past and present are thoughts in the mind, nothing else.”
Marius: Of course this kind of consideration is interesting and everybody has had it already. And I respect his ideas.
Marcus: Man believes that he should respect the consideration of others because everybody has the freedom to advance a view. But what does “respect” really mean? Man does not have an opinion because he chose to have it - man is yet to understand that opinions happen to him. Therefore every man at any point of evolution is right where he is according to the understanding of life that has happened to him so far. Understanding this amounts in respect whatever the other may think.
Marius: However, I am totally convinced that we could take matters in our own hands that we could live our life the way we want to live it, that there is no determination for anybody at all, neither in the beginning nor in the end.
Marcus: Determination of man, be it in the beginning or in the end, is both just an illusory thought. Life is not predestined as a reality but as an illusion. Nothing really is as it appears to be. The world, man and the mind are illusory and not real. Therefore determination is illusory and not real, too. Therefore actions and events are illusory and not real. To say that life is predestined is just a relative way to explain that man is not the doer. Yet this explanation is incomplete. In fact man is neither the doer nor not the doer for actions are illusory thoughts in the mind and not a reality in life. This needs to be understood.
Marius: For example Steve Jobs: He has fought for so long to attain the aim in his life despite his severe illness. His aim was, to make Apple the most precious business company in the world. After attaining this aim he was able to die and to peacefully fall asleep in the iCloud!
Marcus: Don’t go for the iEgo’s deceptive iHappiness, iPeace and iLove in the iCloud called the mind! This kind of happiness, peace and love totally depends on the iConditions of the ego. This is why the “I” feels insecure all the time. The ego’s happiness, peace and love are bound to convert into unhappiness, strife and hate. Apple may be the most expensive business company on earth. But has this company brought anybody permanent, independent happiness, peace or love? Happiness, peace and love which do not depend on anything? A company which shares real happiness, peace and love is www.acadun.com ! This sharing is to be considered the most precious company on earth! Have a deep look at this website and you will find in yourself what no currency of the world is able to buy: man‘s true nature, which is not the iEgo man believes himself to be!
Marius: Whatever I think about religion, god, reincarnation etc. these ideas change very often, almost every day.
Marcus: There you go! The statements of the enlightened about life as it is are not a consideration, idea or an opinion. They are INSIGHTS into the nature of man’s mind which reflect CLARITY of the illusoriness of thoughts. CLARITY as opposed to opinions, beliefs, ideas, thoughts etc. does not change at all. Man‘s state of MIND changes constantly for thoughts depend on the intellect which is an indirect expression of life‘s intelligence in form of sound. CLARITY is a direct expression of life’s intelligence in form of light and does not depend on anything, therefore it does not change. No religion or philosophy has this quality for they depend on thoughts and thoughts depend on time to exist. Time however is not present in life as a reality but only as an illusion. Time is a thought in the mind. Thoughts are time. Thoughts are sound appearing as words and meanings. Sound is light too. Sound is light at a lesser speed. Therefore sound is a delay in life and the mind does not conduct life but is conducted by life as the illusory aspect of it. The body is an optical illusion of light, the mind is an auditory illusion of sound. Man does not perceive the world, but thinks the world. The perceiver, the perceiving and the perceived are actually one, for life is a singular energy constantly transforming itself from one illusory form into another.

Marius: If the illusion is an illusion the illusion could also be a reality.
Marcus: The illusion is not a reality for real means that which does not change and is eternal. That which changes is illusory. Illusory however does not mean that it does not exist. Illusory means that it exists, but not in the manner the mind thinks it exists.
Marius: Scientists also think that time is an illusion which objectively does not exist.
Marcus: Science sooner or later comes to the same findings like the insights of the wise men ages ago. But KNOWLEDGE is not the same as UNDERSTANDING. KNOWLEDGE is limited by the conditioned mind‘s beliefs and is not independent. UNDERSTANDING sees through this fact and makes man free from the belief that thoughts are a reality in life. This is the difference between the scientist‘s knowledge ABOUT life and the mystic‘s understanding OF life. Neither the BELIEFS of the religious nor the PROOFS of the scientist nor the LOGICAL SPECULATIONS of the philosophers nor the PRACTICES of the spiritualist set man free from his mind! This only happens, if it happens, through a clear understanding that every thought of the mind is illusory and not real, which is called ENLIGHTENMENT.