Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands

3 September 2019

Advaita (1)

“Not Two”

The word ‘Dvaita’ in Sanskrit language means duality. The prefix ‘a’ in the word ‘Advaita’ according to Sanskrit language means advaita is non-duality, meaning not two.

Wisdom reveals that in a moment only one can exist and neither two nor many. 

Wisdom of a moment reveals that daily life and air are one, meaning that life and air exist together in a moment in life and that daily life and air are not separate from each other in any moment.

Wisdom of a moment reveals that daily life and water are one, meaning that life and water exist together in a moment in life and that daily life and water are not separate from each other in any moment.

Wisdom of a moment reveals that daily life and heat (fire) are one, meaning that life and heat (fire) exist together in a moment in life and that daily life and heat (fire) are not separate from each other in any moment.

Wisdom of a moment reveals that daily life and earth are one, meaning that life and earth exist together in a moment in life and that daily life and earth are not separate from each other in any moment.

Wisdom of a moment reveals that daily life and time are one, meaning that life and time exist together in a moment in life and that daily life and time are not separate from each other in any moment.

Wisdom of a moment reveals that daily life and space are one, meaning that life and space exist together in a moment in life and that daily life and space are not separate from each other in any moment.

Wisdom reveals that in daily life, in any moment, life and the five elements air, water, heat (fire), earth, time and space exist together in any moment and that, in daily life, the five elements are not separate from each other in any moment.

Similarly, wisdom reveals that in nature, in any moment, nature and the five elements air, water, heat (fire), earth, time and space exist together, in any moment, and that, in nature, the five elements are not separate from each other in any moment.

Wisdom reveals that anything and everything that exists in any moment in life, be it living or non-living, is an optical and auditory illusion of the one that exists in any moment in life or nature, which is consciousness as the five elements.

Wisdom reveals that the five elements air, water, heat, earth, time and space are one and not two. Wisdom signifies that life is Advaita and not Dvaita. Wisdom also signifies that the mind with thoughts is Advaita and not Dvaita.

The enlightened have rightly proclaimed that life and mind, with or without thoughts, is advaita. 

Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
© Copyright V. S. Shankar 2019

Editor’s Note:
Plato’s Allegory of the Cave throws light on reality: what is the nature of reality? This allegory or story is for man who lives in the darkness of the cave and, wittingly or unwittingly, seeks the way out. The shadows cast by the objects right in front of him on the wall of the cave are man’s reality. The deep understanding of the enlightened, as revealed in this article, on the nature of reality is both remarkable and transformative. The revealing light may gradually release man on his pathway in life from the shadows, albeit illusory, if it is meant to happen. 
Julian Capper, UK 

German Translator’s Note: 
That Advaita is not a philosophy that could be right or wrong is made clear in this article. Advaita is a word that describes the irrefutable wisdom about the true nature of the unity of life. Deep exploration of every aspect of daily life, starting from the five elements, air, water, heat (fire), earth, time and space, which are one at every moment, the one moment, and not two or many, as explained in this article by Dr. Shankar, reveals Advaita as the nature of all existence hidden from the human mind. 
Marcus Stegmaier, Germany. 

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