Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academ-advaita.com
The Netherlands

4 March 2020

Balance (4)



Life, love and enlightenment, these three, if you deeply understand, are in a beautiful balance and this balance is unknown to the mind. It is a steady state wherein no known can come into it because the balance is unconditional. 

You are simply steady. You will know that whatever goes on in the mind as thoughts is merely a balance for the ego. And that is fine. This is how life has evolved the mind with thoughts to be for the ego. 

But, remaining in the mind with thoughts, you will one day know that you can never touch life. You can never touch love. You can never touch enlightenment. You will know that life, love and enlightenment is an adventure to live. 

You will know life is unchartered. You do not know where life is going, where it is taking you. You will know love is unchartered. You do not know where love is going, where it is taking you. You will know enlightenment is unchartered. You do not know where enlightenment is going, where it is taking you.

Understand that the mind is trying to make life, love and enlightenment known so that the ego can be in balance with it.  Understand that the known keeps the ego unsteady, which is the balance for the ego, and not in balance for life, which is steady. 

Understand that life is unconditional and is in balance. Understand that love is unconditional and is in balance. Understand that enlightenment is unconditional and is in balance. 

Understand that, when you look directly into life in front of you, it is evident that daily life is unknown every moment. Understand that the intelligence in life keeps daily life unknown.  Understand that the intelligence in life makes daily life known to the individual after life happens unconditionally every moment.

Understand that when you look directly into life in front of you, it is evident that love is unknown every moment. Understand that the intelligence in life keeps daily life unknown.  Understand that the intelligence in life makes love known to the individual after love happens unconditionally every moment.

Understand that when you look directly into life in front of you, it is evident that enlightenment is unknown every moment. Understand that the intelligence in life keeps enlightenment unknown.  

Understand that the intelligence in life does not make enlightenment known to the individual even after enlightenment happens unconditionally at the precise moment.

The enlightened realise that life, love and enlightenment are unconditional in every moment.

Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
© Copyright: V.S. Shankar, 2020

Editor’s Note:
Life provides the illusory mind with illusory thoughts in order to keep the ego, the illusory personality, in balance. This provision is food for the ego.  Man has searched for enlightenment and self-realisation throughout the ages. Many ways and practices, even promises of attainment, have been and still are offered that encourage this search. The wise understand that the balance for the mind does not keep man steady in life. Enlightenment and knowing who you really are cannot be known by a mind with  thoughts. The knowable is known, for it is meant to be so. There is nothing random or accidental in life; it is what it is, whether we like it or not. There is no known in life’s beautiful balance, as understood by the wise.
Let it be so.
Julian Capper. UK

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