Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands

27 February 2018

Birth of Wisdom

“Gross and Subtle”

The enlightened are wise with wisdom, but they are neither proud of knowledge nor of wisdom. The enlightened neither claim wisdom nor say that they have knowledge or wisdom. There have been enlightened humans in ancient times.

As everything evolves in life, the enlightened with wisdom indicate that wisdom has evolved in the past and that wisdom will continue to evolve in the enlightened in the present day as well by life.

The birth of a letter in the alphabet evolved to be the birth of knowledge. This signifies that neither man nor woman gives birth to a letter in the alphabet nor to the birth of knowledge. They cannot either because neither man nor woman makes a moment in life or evolution.

Also, the birth of letters in the alphabet evolved the birth of words in knowledge. This signifies that neither man nor woman gives birth to letters as words in knowledge. They cannot either because neither man nor woman makes a moment in life or evolution.

The birth of understanding the meaning of words that identified anything that existed as knowledge evolved as well. This implies that the understanding of the meaning of words in knowledge evolved as well.

The moment the understanding of the meaning of words in knowledge evolved that everything that exists is an illusion of light and sound, it was the moment of birth of wisdom and the understanding of wisdom.

The moment an understanding revealed to ancient humans that every living and non-living entity that exists in the moment cannot be any other than what exists, it was the moment of birth of subtle wisdom.  

The moment speaking of this understanding evolved in human beings, it was the birth of gross wisdom.  At the same time the birth of unconditional love for whatever that exists in the moment evolved in the enlightened wise.

The phenomenon of evolution accepting every living and non-living entity and unconditional love in the enlightened is evident in the modern-day child. The modern-day child accepts everyone and everything as they are and does not expect them to be other than who or what they are in any moment.

The modern-day child has unconditional love for everyone and everything irrespective as to who everyone is or what everything is in any moment of daily life.

This is why every child is adored and loved and the reason why the enlightened are respected for the wisdom they share with humanity. This signifies that unconditional love is the birth of wisdom in modern man and woman.

The enlightened never say that they are knowledgeable or wise. A child too never says that it is knowledgeable or wise.

Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
© Copyright V. S. Shankar 2018

Editor’s Note:
What a wonderful explosion of truth! There can be no finer, clearer and self-effacing declaration of the purity of love that has ever been presented in any language. This stands as grace for mankind for all time; for the living and the non-living. It is a privilege beyond imagining to witness this fountain springing from life itself. So utterly humbling.
Julian Capper, UK.

German Translator’s Note: 
The human mind is called “conditioned“. The origin of the word is Latin “conditio“, meaning condition. This means that all concepts, ideas and opinions of the mind are dependent on conditions. Superficial love is dependent on what the other does, says, thinks, and therefore, who or what he or she is. Deep love, on the other hand, is unconditional love is wisdom. In the singular flow of life, conditions, based on the idea of separation, are not real but utterly illusory. Dr. Shankar‘s article “Birth of Wisdom“ opens the eyes of a humans to deep love, if understood. 
Marcus Stegmaier, Germany

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