Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands
27 July 2020
Effort is a vigorous, meaning a determined attempt by a man or woman. Effort is a vigorous, meaning a determined, mental attempt for thinking. Effort is a vigorous, meaning a determined, physical attempt for getting things done.
It is obvious that determined thinking is present in certain people and, therefore, determined thinking is advised to each and every one by everyone. Similarly, it is obvious that determined effort is present in certain people and, therefore, determined effort is advised to each and every one to each other.
Effort and its application is the gold-standard advice for everyone. The advice is given to anyone who needs to achieve anything in life. Effort is a force that is present in the moment in which effort is.
The force effort needs to be understood. This understanding is in the moment. This needs understanding as well. Also, effort and force are in the moment as well. This implies that the moment in life needs to be understood.
Now the moment in life is force because a moment is present every moment. Now the force, which is the moment, cannot be made by man because man needs a moment to be in life in order to make the force, which is the moment.
This signifies that moment is the force. Now what needs to be understood is that the moment in life is precise and precious. This signifies that force in life is precise and precious.
Now what needs to be understood is that the moment in life cannot be other than the moment which is always in life. Similarly, what needs to be understood is that the force in life cannot be other than the force which is always in life.
Now what needs to be understood is that the intensity of any moment in life is unique. This signifies that the intensity cannot be other than the intensity of the moment that is.
Similarly, what needs to be understood is that the intensity of the force OF life is unique. This signifies that the intensity cannot be other than the intensity of the force OF life that is.
Now what needs to be understood is that man does not make the moment in life. The moment in life is manifested by consciousness for life to be manifested in the moment.
Now what needs to be understood is that man does not make the force OF life. The force OF life is manifested by consciousness, which is the force OF life that is for every living and non-living entity in life.
The wise understand that consciousness, which is the intelligence in life, manifests the intensity of thinking and the intensity of physical movements as they are meant to be in any particular moment. The wise understand that the intensity in the moment is the force OF life itself.
The enlightened realise that man is not the doer and thinking and doing will happen if they are meant to happen by the intelligence in life, which is consciousness.
Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
© Copyright V. S. Shankar 2020
Editor’s Note:
What is understood from this article is that force is force, the unique force of life that is manifest in the moment by consciousness. There is no other force or its application than that which is present in the moment of life, including the intensity of the force. This has been present in the moment of life before man was. Man in his wisdom has recognised the significance of force and so has coined the dictum: try, try, try and try again. But he has no understanding of it. From an early age human beings are encouraged by parents and teachers to acquire knowledge through the force of personal effort, which is not. Evidence of the level of knowledge thus attained is confirmed both in daily activities and in professional certification. Not so for the understanding of life. There is no syllabus, there are no teachers or schools. The wisdom of the wise alone, as here, reveals that understanding is not made by man or woman for they do not make the moment in which understanding happens. Understanding this is man’s birthright.
Julian Capper. UK