Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD. Published on www.acadun.com The Netherlands 9th November 2014
Essence and Free Will of Speaking
Man believes he has a free will. It would come as a surprise to many if man were told that free will does not exist. This is because man is certain that he can speak what he wishes to speak.
It is certainly very difficult for man to believe that he is not the doer of an action, that the doing happens to him, that he does not speak and that the speaking happens to him.
The essence in life evolves man to make man-sounds, just as an animal makes animal-sounds. This is strikingly evident if a child is observed. The child just makes some sounds, which are termed gibberish. This would only mean that even the first-born child just made sounds. It is indeed a miracle that the first baby that just made sounds began to speak words. And so too the fact that a modern baby that speaks gibberish begins to speak words is a miracle. Who could have taught the first baby on earth to speak? No one could have, as there were none who had free will to speak and understand too.
How sure are we that man just makes sounds, for the sounds appear as words to the mind? The first clue is a language that is foreign to us that we do not understand. If we listen to a foreign language it appears like sounds and not words with meanings.
The second clue is breathing. Breathing happens to man and it is not his free will that makes breathing happen. Now during breathing only human breath comes out. So too during speaking only human breath comes out and not words of a language. The human breath contains gasses and other organic constituents such as bacteria. Every atom of a gas and bacteria is light and this light transforms as sound, just as lightning in the sky transforms as thunder. These sounds have evolved as words in the adult, human mind. The sounds that a baby makes, however, have not evolved as words in the human mind. If free will were present, man would understand not only a baby’s gibberish, but also a foreign language that he did not understand.
The word phonetic means relating to speech sounds. For example, the line breaks for the word phonetic in life is phon|et¦ic. This means that the word phonetic in life is three sounds phon-e-tic. These three sounds in life are heard as one word ‘phonetic’ in the mind.
Similarly, the phonetics of the two words ‘free’ and ‘will’ in life are five sounds, f-r-ee and w-ill, but these five sounds f-r-ee and w-ill are heard as two words ‘free’ and ‘will’ in the mind. Therefore, the two words free will is a belief in the mind and not an actuality in life. In life, the actuality are just five sounds: f-r-ee and w-ill.
The man-made sounds initially were heard as sounds. The sounds were heard in the mind as a delay, meaning one sound after the other. For example, the five sounds f-r-ee and w-ill were heard as five sounds after a delay. As the speed of the mind evolved, the sounds came closer to each other to form the words free will. Just as dots came close to each other to form a line, sounds came close to each other to form a word in the mind.
The enlightened have realised that sounds in life are heard as words in the mind. They have thus rightly proclaimed that life is a play of light and sound, and therefore say that sounds in life that are heard as words in the mind are illusory and not real. The enlightened are therefore loving and compassionate to what anyone they live with, meet and know says to them.
Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
Editor’s Note:
German Translator’s note: Speaking in general and what man speaks in particular is the hallmark for how intelligent he or she is considered by his fellow human beings. The one who is able to speak eloquently, meaning with the most knowledge about a certain topic, usually earns the most money in business. Thus the value of a personality is obviously based on his or her way of speaking. That the mind is not in control of speaking, would be blasphemy to say, if it happens. Therefore wisdom is often taken for lack of intelligence. If understood rightly, the wisdom shared in this article, that free will of speaking is illusory and not real, enables man that true intelligence is recognized. Marcus Stegmaier. Germany