Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands
29 July 2019
Everyone (2)
“In life”
Wisdom reveals that the moment in time and space is eternal. Wisdom also reveals that a moment in time and space renews itself. A moment appears as the next moment in time and space to knowledge in the mind.
Wisdom reveals that the content in the moment in time and space is atoms which transform as a form, albeit illusory. This is because every atom of any form that exists in daily life and in nature is light.
Wisdom reveals that light, which appears as the transformed form in any moment in time and space, cannot be another form than the form that is present in the moment. Wisdom reveals that the transformed form in a moment transforms and sophisticates the form in the same moment.
Wisdom reveals that the process of sophistication of a form in daily life involves human form as well. Wisdom reveals that life is a singular movement. Wisdom reveals that the doing in life is eventual sophistication of movements present in the singular movement of life in the moment.
Wisdom reveals that nature, which includes man, appears as everything that exists in life. Wisdom reveals that the form of human being is what it is and cannot be another form than the form that is in any moment.
Wisdom reveals that the form of the human mind in a human being is what the form is. It cannot be in another form than the form of the mind that is in any moment in the life of the human being.
Wisdom reveals that the form of the human mind in a human being contains its contents, one of which is doing. Wisdom reveals that the doing of the human being in any moment in his or her life cannot be any other doing than the doing that is in any moment of his or her life.
Knowledge, however, through words, expects what the doing of a human being, whether the human being is a child or an adult, should be and should not be. Wisdom, revealed in the article ‘Word (3)’, explains in detail that neither a letter nor a word actually exists in life or in the mind of a child or an adult.
Wisdom, revealed in the article ‘Word (3)’, explains in detail that all there is in life and in the mind of a child or adult in any moment of their daily life is a movement of light and sound and not actual doing
The enlightened rightly point out that nature is as everything that is in life. This means that nature is not only elements, matter, seeds, plants, flowers, food grains and fruits. Nature is also as man, woman, children, animal kingdom and their doing as an illusion of a movement of light and sound to mean MAYA.
Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
© Copyright V. S. Shankar 2019
Editor’s Note:
What is this Wisdom that transforms man’s appreciation and understanding of the whole, living world in which he lives? A world into which he or she is born willy- nilly? Here he is, like it or not, albeit an illusion - as each may discover. What is this wisdom that enables man to penetrate the illusion that holds mankind in its adamantine grip – the grip of that which does not actually exist? What is this Wisdom whose revelations leave no stone unturned, save the mystery of wisdom itself? The intelligence of life, however, has gifted mankind enlightened men and women whose love for humanity and their understanding of Maya is never absent. What a wonder!
Julian Capper, UK.
German Translator‘s Note:
Man has a longing for peace. What keeps him from being at peace in every moment is not clear to most people. It is surely the doings of others that make life so difficult for man. But wether these doings are real, is the question that the wise men and women who have become free of discord have investigated, as in this article. Those who believe that doings are carried out by man as real are inevitably caught up in the mental interplay of peace and discord. A peaceful view of all human beings is revealed by the words of the sages, who affectionately regard them all as nature.
Marcus Stegmaier, Germany.