Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands
3 July 2019
“In life”
Everything that exists in daily life includes the living and the non-living. The living and the non-living that exist in daily life exist in the moment. Nature too includes the living and the non-living. Nature too exists in daily life in the moment.
The moment in which everything exists, including nature, the living and non-living is a manifestation of the intelligence in daily life. The intelligence in the moment in daily life is light, because every atom of nature, the living and the non-living in the moment are light.
Also, light is needed for life to exist and without sun-light life will not exist. Sun-light is needed for food to grow and, without sun-light, food will neither grow nor will energy for growth be present.
Time and space in the moment are together and not separate, just as nature and man are together in time and space in the moment. This signifies that nature and man are not separate as well in the moment, though they appear to be separate in the moment to the mind.
Wisdom reveals that every moment in life is in time and space. This signifies that every moment in life is together with time and space and that time, space and moment are not separate from each other.
Wisdom reveals that the moment in time and space and the next moment in time and space are not separate from each other because in between the moment in time and space and the next moment in time and space is moment in time and space as well.
Wisdom reveals that the moment in time and space is eternal. Wisdom also reveals that a moment in time and space renews itself. It appears as the next moment in time and space to knowledge in the mind.
Wisdom reveals that the content in the moment in time and space is atoms which transform as a form, albeit illusory. This is because every atom of any form that exists in daily life and nature is light.
Wisdom reveals that light which appears as the transformed form in any moment in time and space cannot be another form than the form that is present. Wisdom reveals that the transformed form in a moment eventually sophisticates.
Wisdom reveals that the process of sophistication of a form in daily life involves humans as well. Wisdom reveals that man is not the doer, though the doing is present.
Wisdom reveals that life is a singular movement. Wisdom reveals that the doing in life is eventual sophistication of movements included in the singular movement of life.
Wisdom reveals that the sophistication of doing appears, for example, as making clothes, paper and objects. Wisdom reveals that clothes, paper and objects come from nature. Wisdom, therefore, reveals that nature, which includes man and doing, appears as everything that exists in life.
The enlightened rightly point out that nature is as everything that is in life, meaning that nature is not only elements, matter, seeds, plants, flowers, food grains and fruits, but also nature is as man, woman, children, clothes, medicine, objects etc., and animal kingdom.
Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
© Copyright V. S. Shankar 2019
Editor’s Note:
Life is at unity with itself. There is nothing that exists, there is no thing that can exist in its own light outside or separate from this unity, whether we like it or not. Such is the understanding of the wise gifted to humanity both in this article and elsewhere. As long as the mind remains conditioned to assert that his home is his castle, man will protect his separate existence, albeit illusory. The moment in which the understanding of unity sophisticates is the dawning of enlightenment.
Julian Capper, UK
German Translator‘s Note:
The idea of a separation of nature and human culture, architecture, modern technology and human achievements in general, is one of the greatest obstacles to a deeper understanding of life. This notion of separation is based on the idea of human creation independent of nature. Man and what he creates is seen as something other than natural. Understanding life as a whole, as Dr Shankar shares in this article, can only happen when man ceases to regard his work, action and existence as separate from nature. To live this oneness with nature is enlightenment.
Marcus Stegmaier, Germany.
Dutch translator’s note:
In this article by Dr. Shankar reveals beautifully that man also is part of nature. It becomes clear that nothing artificial can exist and everything that happens is a movement that sophisticates more and more. If we could see the world in this manner, there would be no more discontentment or accusations, but peace and understanding.
Paula Smit, Netherlands.