Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands

18th June 2018


“Light and heat”

A human being takes life for granted. He or she also takes fire, which is light and heat, for granted and does not realisethe significance of fire as regards life, because every living entity is dependent on fire, meaning light and heat, for life.

Light, meaning fire and heat, is everywhere in life. If fire, meaning light and heat, is not in nature, food cannot be cooked. Also, every atom of every kind of food is light, meaning fire and heat.

Every object on earth is made up of matter and every matter is made up of elements. Different elements make up the different types of matter that in turn make up different types of objects. Also, every atom of the different types of elements is light, meaning fire and heat.

Fire, meaning heat or light, when applied to any solid object, dissolves the object into liquid. Liquid, meaning water, indicates that liquid, meaning water, is present together with fire - fire, meaning heat and light, in life.

Fire, meaning heat or light, when applied to any matter, dissolves the matter into liquid. Liquid, meaning water, indicates that liquid, meaning water, is present together with fire – fire, meaning heat and light, in life.

Fire, meaning heat or light, when applied to any liquid matter, evaporates the liquid matter into gas. Gas, meaning air, indicates that gas, meaning air, is present together with water and fire – fire, meaning heat and light, in life.

Fire, meaning heat or light, when applied to any solid food, dissolves the solid food into liquid. Liquid, meaning water, indicates that water is present together with fire – fire, meaning heat and light, in life.

Fire, meaning heat or light, when applied to any liquid food or water, evaporates the liquid food and water into gas. Gas, meaning air, indicates that gas, meaning air, is present together with water and fire – fire, meaning heat or light, in life.

Fire, meaning heat or light, when it is reduced and applied to any gas, meaning air, turns it into liquid and eventually into solid matter. This indicates that gas, meaning air, is present together with water and fire – fire, meaning heat or light, in life.

This signifies that fire, meaning heat and light, is in every moment in life, because life is in every moment. This further signifies that fire, meaning heat and light, air and water are present in every moment of life. This enables life to survive. 

The enlightened have rightly proclaimed that fire, meaning heat/ light, air and water are present in every moment of life.

Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
©Copyright V. S. Shankar 2018

Editor’s Note:
This is a remarkable analysis of the constituents of life and their interaction. These are the daily requirements that every household, be it a palace, an igloo or a mud hut, needs and on which its occupants rely. Where there is life, these elements are present for every living manifestation in and on the earth as we know it. Understanding this gives rise to respect and gratitude for the intelligence of life and for the wise who reveal the truth.
Julian Capper, UK.

German Translator’s Note: 
Long before man discovered the fire to cook with and protect himself from wild animals, the fire was omnipresent in existence, caring for plants, animals, and humans to be alive. What is taken for granted today should be traced in gratitude to its source. Dr. Shankar reveals the foundations of our lives, which are omnipresent, conducting man's destiny.
Marcus Stegmaier, Germany. 

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