Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands

27 January 2018



A variety of fruits grows and is available for humans and animals to eat. The variety includes size, shape, colour, consistency, taste and smell. The variety is taken for granted by humans and they miss the miracle in fruits.

Firstly, every fruit grows out of a seed sown in the soil. Each variety has a seed of its own. And each seed has nothing within it, meaning the seed is empty, but yet a variety of fruits comes out of a seed. This is a miracle.

Secondly, a seed that grows fruits on trees and plants does not grow fruit on every tree or plant of the same variety. Also, the numbers of fruits grown are never identical in all the trees and plants that do grow fruits of the same variety. This is a miracle.

Thirdly, every seed grows out of the earth. Even if two seeds, one of each variety, is sown side by side, each grows into a specific fruit, though both seeds are sown in the same soil with the same nutrients. This is a miracle.

Fourthly, every fruit that grows out of the soil and its nutrients has a specific size, unlike the size of other fruits that grow from the same soil with the same nutrients as well. This is a miracle.

Fifthly, every fruit that grows out of the soil and its nutrients has a specific shape, unlike the shape of other fruits that grow from the same soil with the same nutrients as well. This is a miracle.

Sixthly, sun-light, which is needed for anything to grow, is needed for fruits to grow as well. The sunlight is the same for every variety of fruit. But still there is a variety of fruits that grow. This is a miracle.

Seventhly, every fruit that grows out of the soil and its nutrients has a specific colour, unlike the colour of other fruits that grow from the same soil, with the same nutrients as well. This is a miracle.

Eighthly, the colour that a seed has is not the same colour of the fruit that grows out of it. Neither is there colour within a seed to impart colour to the fruit, but yet fruits have a variety of colours. This is a miracle.

Ninthly, similarly, consistency, taste and smell of every fruit are different though every fruit grows out from the same soil, which has the same nutrients with the same consistency, taste and smell. This is a miracle.

Humans take everything that grows in nature for granted, including themselves. When humans understand that their different sizes, shapes, colour, taste and smell are a miracle of nature, unconditional love for every living and non-living entity will blossom in them.

Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
© Copyright V. S. Shankar 2018

Editor’s Note:
There are no prizes given out to nature for its achievements, no awards nor statements of excellence. A rare find in nature may merit a mention in a specialist’s magazine, although the plaudits are probably directed to the human finder. Even in a flower show, there is usually intense competition between human rivals to seize the acclamation for best in category or the best overall. The result gives joy to the winner and disappointment to the losers. Is it the wise alone, as in this article, who do not miss the miracle? Do you miss the miracle in which there are no winners and no losers – just the blossoming of love? 
Julian Capper, UK.

German Translator’s Note: 
Fruits are healthy if eaten. Fruits are wonderful if looked at. Nevertheless fruits are taken for granted. Not many think about fruits twice. It is this article by Dr. Shankar which shines a light at nature’s mysterious beauty. Gratitude and admiration are the outcome of understanding the mystery of every tiny bit of life. 
Marcus Stegmaier, Germany.

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