Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands

17 November 2017



Nobody likes to be hated. A man or woman, who does not like to be hated, nevertheless sometimes hates another. When a man or woman, who does not like to be hated, is hated, he or she feels hurt.

Even though a man or woman is hurt when hated, instead of realizing that the one who is hated also is hurt when hated and needs to be loved, he or she nevertheless hates the other instead of loving the other.

It is strange that, though everyone knows that anyone is hurt when hated, they nevertheless hurt each other sometimes in daily life. They do not love them, though they understand hate is not a good virtue.

It is strange that though a man or woman reads scriptures to reach God, who has created everything, they still hate what God has created. This shows that they have not understood the scriptures, but only behave as if they have understood the scriptures.

It is also strange that, though a man or woman sings songs in praise of God, they still hate what God has created, which is either a man or a woman. This shows that they do not praise God, but only behave as if they praise God.

It is further strange that, though a man or woman prays to God, they still hate what God has created, which is either a man or a woman. This shows that they have not understood God, but only behave as if they have understood God.

Those who read scriptures, sing God’s praise and pray to God do not understand that they do not reach God, if you hate anyone. They only believe they can reach God and this belief, however, is not the truth, because God accepts those who love and not those who hate. Therefore, if you hate, you are far from God and always will be until you begin to love another every moment of the day.

Therefore, it is important to understand what ‘hate’ is. Hate is non-acceptance. When non-acceptance is not total, behaviour of acceptance is expressed. When non-acceptance is total, anger is expressed by a man or a woman as hate. This signifies that hate is a lesser form of anger.

Therefore, if you hate, it destroys a house and does not build a house, just as anger does. It destroys a family and does not unite a family, just as anger does.

This implies that hate destroys God’s blessings for good things to happen, which are prayed for.  Hate does not ripen God’s blessings for good things to happen, which are prayed for as well. Love is a great gift from God always to be close to God.

Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
© Copyright V. S. Shankar 2017

Editor’s Note:
Man, belief and behaviour are companions in life. His or her conditioned mind not only treasures but also proclaims beliefs that determine behaviour. Such a life destroys: it does not flourish with anything but disharmony. It is a barrier to love. Not so with the wise, as in this article. In their understanding of man’s plight, no effort or outpouring of love is spared to release man from the bondage of conditioning. Such gratitude.
Julian Capper, UK.

German Translator‘s Note:
A truly religious man or woman does not feel hateful. That hate separates you from God is a simple truth. Hate is oftenly regarded as a sign for being strong. It means you don‘t let the other fool yourself. However that hate is destroying the own inner peace and the connection to God, which is everywhere, is not really understood by many. Dr. Shankar shares a deeper understanding of hate in this article, which will be very beneficial for everyone and humanity.
Marcus Stegmaier, Germany. 

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