Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands
9th May 2019
How (2)
“To do”
The intelligence of life in the moment as knowledge convinces man and woman to be a doer because knowledge informs man and woman how to do any of the activity, work or chore which they do.
Man and woman are convinced that they are doers because they know how to do what they are expected to do or wish, want, like and desire to do. The knowledge that man and woman are doers is cemented in every mind because they touch and feel what they do.
Though knowledge has convinced man and woman to be doers, knowledge of doership, however, is not free from different emotions that accompany how they do or what they do or do not do.
The intelligence of life in the moment as wisdom regarding how to do, however, is free of emotions that accompany knowledge of how to do.
What is the wisdom regarding how to do, is the question?
Wisdom reveals that anything which can be done is done in the moment because the knowledge, how to do, is in the moment as well. Wisdom reveals that a moment in life is always present.
Wisdom in life reveals that a moment, which is always present in life, is precise. Wisdom in life reveals that the content, which is within any moment, is precise as well.
Wisdom in life reveals that the content, which is within any moment, cannot be other than the content which is in the moment. Wisdom in life reveals that the timing of the content is always precise as well.
Wisdom in life reveals that the content within the moment is neither late nor early. Wisdom in life reveals that the content of any moment in life is always precisely on time.
Wisdom in life reveals that the content of any moment in life is only a single movement. Wisdom in life reveals that the content of any moment in life is never two or many movements.
Wisdom in life reveals that the single movement in any moment in life, which is a movement, includes one of the five senses and not five senses in the same moment in life.
Wisdom in life reveals that how to do involves many movements while within any moment the content is only a single movement with a single sense. Wisdom reveals that man and woman do not make senses. Wisdom reveals that senses happen to man and woman by the intelligence in life in the moment.
Wisdom in life reveals that the singular movement of life, which includes the five senses, deceives man and woman that they know how to do. This is because how to do involves five senses in the moment, which is knowledge, while there is only one sense in any moment, which is wisdom.
Knowledge takes how to do any activity, any work or any chore for granted. Wisdom is grateful to life for its gift of ‘how to do’ for man and woman, though neither man nor woman do.
The enlightened have rightly proclaimed that man and woman are not the doer.
Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
© Copyright V. S. Shankar 2019
Editor’s Note:
Man prides himself as being knowledgeable and honours those who herein are foremost among men. Furthermore, man has been gifted with the facility of knowing how to undertake any task, thus convincing him to be a doer and giving rise to the unshakeable belief ‘I am the doer’. Yet, in this he is deceived, for knowledge, as revealed by the wise, is only of what is illusory, that which is known or yet to be known. Wisdom is only of what is; what is cannot be known. Man may also be gifted with the understanding of the wise. Such an one is foremost among men.
Julian Capper, UK.
German Translator‘s Note:
If man had control over his five senses, he could very well say how to do something. But in this article Dr. Shankar points to an irrefutable fact that can be observed by every human being and that is completely missed in everyday life: At the moment only one single sense is active and man cannot choose which one. How could one ignore this insight once it has happened and continue to believe that one can decide for oneself how to act? Wisdom arises from the simplest observations of the mind in everyday life and it consolidates itself in immeasurable depth, precisely as it is destined to happen, without man being able to do it somehow. To trust in this is the beginning of wisdom in life.
Marcus Stegmaier, Germany.