Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands

7th October 2017

Intelligence 15


Diversity is the hallmark of life. Diversity present in life convinces man and woman that everything in life is separate from each other, including actions of human beings.

How is man or woman able to understand with clarity that diversity as a reality is not present, but only an illusion of diversity is present? How is man or woman able to understand with clarity life as a singular movement?

Humans are convinced that their actions are separate from the actions done by others. Therefore, it is difficult for humans to understand that life is a singular movement and diversity is an illusion of this singular movement.

As far as actions are concerned, they are explained to be an illusion of a singular movement of the human body in the article ‘Singular Movement’. Humans compare and define actions and comparison and definition make it difficult to understand the singular movement of life.

Food that humans eat is diverse as well. Food as proteins, fats and carbohydrate make food diverse and separate from each other. This appears obvious on superficial understanding. But is this true needs to be understood deeply?

Proteins, fats and carbohydrate are eaten by humans. Some humans are mainly meat-eaters, while others eat mainly carbohydrates. Both, however, eat fat to keep their diet balanced.

The human body has evolved to digest all three types of food, namely, carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The intelligence in life, however, produces energy that is vital for human survival only through carbohydrates.

The intelligence in life as science informs man or woman that during digestion of proteins, citric acid, which is a carbohydrate, is produced. Citric acid produced by carbohydrate as well is the final stage for production of energy. This implies that proteins, as the carbohydrate citric acid, produce energy.

The intelligence in life as science informs man or woman that during the digestion of fats, citric acid, which is a carbohydrate, is produced. Citric acid produced by carbohydrate as well is the final stage for production of energy. This implies that fats, as the carbohydrate citric acid, produce energy.

The intelligence in life indicates that a distinct cut-off point between protein and carbohydrate is absent. It also indicates that a distinct cut-off point between fats and carbohydrate is absent.

This implies that the food humans eat is in a singular movement and this singular movement of food appears intermittently as illusory, diverse foods separate from each other, while they are not.

As eating is an action and actions are illusions of a singular movement of the human body, food also indicates that life is a singular movement.

Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
© Copyright V. S. Shankar 2017

Editor’s Note:
Human beings are attracted to diversity. After all, “variety is the very spice of life that gives it all its flavour.” - said a celebrated poet centuries ago. This has become a traditional belief to help ease the task of living by adding a certain zest to the human experience, albeit illusory. Such is the gift of life’s intelligence. Understanding that life in all its expressions is a singular movement is the beginning of wisdom.
Julian Capper, UK.

German Translator’s Note: 
Oneness does not only mean that all humans are one moving energy. It also means that what humans eat is one moving energy, too. Pondering reveals that this is true, because a human body consists of that which humans eat. In the article “Intelligence 15“ Dr. Shankar shares the understanding of life as a singular movement or energy which includes everything that is eaten too. This deep wisdom changes the way we look at eating. The proverb “You are what you eat“ gets a deeper dimension.  
Marcus Stegmaier, Germany. 

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