Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands

15th October 2017

Intelligence 20


The intelligence in life has manifested life. Life evolves everything in a cycle, including food. A cycle is a circle and a circle neither has a beginning nor an ending. Fertilizers are a good example of this cycle of food in life, which is a circle.

The intelligence in life has manifested the first seed of vegetation on earth from atoms of air, water and fire as heat. The first seed of vegetation later evolved as the first seed of the animal kingdom.

The intelligence in life has evolved the excreta of the evolving animal kingdom and the minerals present in earth to form the first fertilizers for the evolving vegetation.

This is evident even to this day. Birds, bees and insects that feed on seeds and leaves of vegetation drop their excreta into the soil in and around vegetation. They function as fertilizers for more vegetation to grow.

This is a give and take cycle between vegetation and the animal kingdom for each to survive. This is evident not only in forests, but also in fields of agriculture where seeds are sown to grow crops. These are organic fertilizers.

Organic fertilizers also contain nitrates and phosphates. These minerals enable bacteria and other microbes to grow in the soil. The bacteria and microbes enrich the soil for good growth of vegetation. The enrichment is expressed as the quality of taste, smell and nutrient value in vegetation.

After World War II it was found in Europe that wheat grew more in areas where the ammunition of war was scattered. The nitrates and phosphates used to make ammunition functioned as fertilizers.

The industrial revolution paved the way for the inorganic fertilizer industry. Chemical nitrates and phosphates are used among other chemicals to form fertilizers. Inorganic fertilizers only increase the quantity of crop, but do not have the same quality of taste, smell and nutrient value as do organic fertilizers. This is because inorganic fertilizers transform the bacteria and microbes in the soil and this does not give quality to food. Food that is grown by using inorganic fertilizers eventually leads to ill-health much sooner than food that is grown by using organic fertilizers.

Millets do not need fertilizers to increase the quantity of the crop. Millets grow abundantly without inorganic fertilizers and they also preserve the quality and increase the quantity of food. They always lead to good health.

Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
© Copyright V. S. Shankar 2017

Editor’s Note:
The opportunity provided by life of the discovery of material for the production of man-made fertilizers was not missed by man. Not only did this provide for the needed increase in quantity, but it also yielded large financial rewards in the processing and marketing of an increasingly wide range of fertilizers. There was a serious downside to this development, however, and that was to deprive man of nature’s bounty, as clearly described in this article. Thus, significant wealth for the few was traded for damaging deprivation of natural resources and, in consequence, good health for the multitude. Understanding this is the gift of the wise.
Julian Capper, UK.

German Translator’s Note: 
What life has naturally manifested through plants and animals has further sophisticated as made by humans. The outcome is as natural as what comes from nature, because man is nature too. However, the quality of for example fertilizers made by man are is not the same any more. This natural process is revealed as the cycle of life by Dr. Shankar and it needs to be understood deeply for a more healthy life to happen, illusory though it may be. 
Marcus Stegmaier, Germany. 

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