Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands
19 April 2019
Laughing is a natural instinct to humour and induces spontaneous, uncontrollable and unpredictable movements of sound in man, woman and child. Man, woman and child experience laughing as a phenomenon of sound-movements.
Knowledge informs man and woman that laughing is real. Knowledge implies that laughing physically exists and is done by man and woman by uttering movements of sound.
Knowledge informs man and woman that laughing is real, because knowledge informs man and woman that they are able to laugh and laughing is done by them in the moment.
The facts of laughing are convincing and to knowledge the facts of laughing are irrefutable. To the wise the facts of laughing are nevertheless refutable by deep logic and reason.
What is the wisdom of laughing is the question?
Wisdom reveals that every moment in life is precise and the moment is neither late nor early. Wisdom reveals that movement within the moment due to evolution is precise and it is neither late nor early.
Wisdom reveals that the evolved movement of sound within the moment is initially crude and eventually becomes refined as evolution evolves. Wisdom reveals that the evolution of understanding in a child is precise as well.
Wisdom reveals that when the evolution of understanding humour synchronises with the evolution-movement of sound, it deceives the individual that he or she is laughing.
Wisdom reveals that laughing is precise sound-movements in evolution. Wisdom reveals that laughing is a movement of sound. Wisdom reveals that sound as laughing, including every sound in life, is included in the singular movement of life. The enlightened have rightly proclaimed that laughing, though present, is not done by man, but laughing happens to man.
Knowledge takes laughing for granted. Wisdom is grateful to life for its gift of laughing to man, woman and child.
The enlightened accept everyone as they are whether they laugh or do not laugh. The enlightened understand that, when one is meant to laugh, one will laugh in the moment by the intelligence in the moment and not by man or woman.
Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
© Copyright V. S. Shankar 2019
Editor’s Note:
Light is the life that understands light, as the wise do; dull is the life that knows light, as knowledge. Light is the life that understands walking, as the wise do; dull is the life that knows walking, as knowledge. Light is the life that understands laughing, as the wise do; dull is the life that knows laughing, as knowledge. Light is the life that understands that life is the play of light and sound, as the wise do; dull is the life that knows that life is real, as knowledge. Light is the life in wisdom. It is so.
Julian Capper, UK.