Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands
15th May 2018
Learn 4
“Here and Now”
Man does not learn from his past, as explained in the article ‘Learn 1’. Primitive man did not have a past to learn from. Primitive man had knowledge because knowledge evolved in primitive man in the moment ‘Here and Now’.
Man does not learn to be happy in the present moment from the mistakes made in the past moments, as explained in the article ‘Learn 2’. Primitive man did not have a past from which he could have learnt to be happy in the present moment, which is the moment ‘Here and Now’.
Man does not learn knowledge from the mistakes made in the past, as explained in the article ‘Learn 3’. Primitive man did not have a past where he could have made a mistake. But yet primitive man had knowledge because knowledge evolved in primitive man in the present ‘Here and Now’ moment.
Modern man too can learn to be happy in the present ‘Here and Now’ moment, if modern man is able to make the present ‘Here and Now’ moment. But modern man does not make the present ‘Here and Now’ moment. So how could modern man learn to be happy in the present ‘Here and Now’ moment, is the question?
Modern man too can learn knowledge in the present ‘Here and Now’ moment, if modern man is able to make the present ‘Here and Now’ moment. But modern man does not make the present ‘Here and Now’ moment. So how could modern man learn knowledge in the present ‘Here and Now’ moment, is the question?
Modern man, like the primitive man, does not learn knowledge in the present ‘Here and Now’ moment. Justas knowledge evolved in primitive man in the present ‘Here and Now’ primitive moment, knowledge too evolves in modern man in the present ‘Here and Now’ modern moment.
Modern man cannot learn to be happy in the present ‘Here and Now’ moment. He will be happy when understanding evolves in modern man that whatever happens in the present ‘Here and Now’ moment cannot be any other than what happens in the present ‘Here and Now’ moment.
Modern man is not happy in the present ‘Here and Now’ moment because he wishes, wants, desires and hopes for something he likes to happen in the present ‘Here and Now’ moment, if he does not like what happens in the present ‘Here and Now’ moment.
The enlightened have rightly proclaimed that man will come to know what he is meant to know. If this understanding evolves in modern man, he or she will be wise in every moment in the present ‘Here and Now’ moment.
Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
©Copyright V. S. Shankar 2018
Editor’s Note:
Throughout these articles the enlightened have brought profound, yet wholly practical revelations for men and women. Careful observation and reflection show that what happens in the here and now cannot be other than what happens in the here and now. Not only that, for understanding may mature that human beings come to know what they are meant to know. Fortunate are those whose journey in life is guided by wisdom.
Julian Capper, UK.
German Translator’s Note:
The last paragraph of the article "Learn 4" by Dr. Shankar states that by the right understanding, one will be "wise" in every moment. This is the conclusion to the explanations of how man could become "happy" at any moment. Wisdom is thus equated with happiness. For the wise man or the wise woman also has thoughts that are happy and thoughts that are unhappy. But wisdom relativizes the duality of thoughts and allows inner, non-mental bliss in the Here and Now.
Marcus Stegmaier, Germany.