Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands
22 January 2019
Life is the Master
A seeker searches for a master to point wisdom to him. A seeker searches for a master to guide him towards enlightenment. A seeker and everyone know that life teaches lessons.
Life teaches man knowledge and wisdom as well. Life teaches knowledge about life to man through experiences. Life teaches knowledge about what life should be and what life should not be. This implies that life teaches wisdom to man as to what life is through experiences as well.
The knowledge that life teaches about what life should be and what life should not be through experiences is, however, never free from the shadows of emotions which man has in memory.
Man is comfortable with life from the knowledge taught by life through experiences as to what life should be. Man is uncomfortable with life from the knowledge taught by life through experiences as to what life should not be.
The wisdom that life teaches about life through experiences of what life is, is that experiences happen in the moment and neither man nor woman makes the moment in which the experience is.
Wisdom that life teaches man and woman is that the moment in life was much before man or woman was in life. Wisdom that life teaches man and woman is that life manifested the moment with vegetation and animals before life manifested humans in the moment along with vegetation and animals.
Wisdom that life teaches man and woman is that the experience which the moment has within it cannot be other than what the experience is in a particular moment, because neither man nor woman makes the moment in life have an experience which they prefer, like or love.
Wisdom that life teaches man and woman is that life is what it is in any moment and cannot be other than what life is in any moment. Wisdom that life teaches man and woman is that life makes knowledge and wisdom in man and man and woman do not make it.
Wisdom that life teaches man and woman is that life is what it is in any moment and cannot be other than what life is in any moment. Wisdom that life teaches man and woman is that life manifests enlightenment in man and woman and they cannot manifest enlightenment to themselves or to others.
The enlightened understand that LIFE IS THE LIVING MASTER to a seeker or to anyone. The enlightened understand that the living master is always available to all every moment and is guiding everyone to wisdom and enlightenment no matter how the moment in life is.
Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
© Copyright V. S. Shankar 2019
Editor’s Note:
The knowledge available to man through the intelligence of life is precisely what he or she is meant to receive. This differentiates man from the rest of nature in the potential to evolve beyond the limitations of knowledge to the realisation of wisdom. Thus, the need for his or her existence is served by the presence of a wise man or wise woman on the journey in life. In illusion, life may be long or short or neither. In reality, life is endless and beginningless. In illusion, life’s apparent end may be accompanied by sorrow, its apparent beginning by joy. The wise share the wisdom of life with the living in every moment of their daily life, come what may and understand that life is the master that teaches wisdom to the wise. Freedom from limitation is the potential gifted by wisdom.
Julian Capper, UK
German Translator‘s Note:
In his search for peace, love and happiness, man goes many ways. All spring from his longing to be happy in everyday life. When man begins to look deeper, he is driven by his longing to look behind the scenes of everyday life, because everyday life does not bring him lasting satisfaction with its ups and downs. The backdrops of everyday life are seen through in that the human being sees through his mind that it is illusory and not reality. In order for this to happen, no master is necessary, for man always has his everyday thoughts directly with him. The understanding therefore will happen, if it is meant to happen, whether a human master is present or not, because life is the master. That is the wisdom that true Masters share, as here in this article.
Marcus Stegmaier, Germany