Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academ-advaita.com
The Netherlands
19 November 2019
Many Actors (7)
“In life”
If you want to gather one piece of information about God, you will have to include all the information that others give about God. Is it not so? But will you or can you include every piece of information about God?
The mind divides others’ information about God except its own. The mind keeps on dividing to become one. How can you divide to become one? If you divide you will become many, but not one. God is one and not many.
Constantly the mind divides and constantly it becomes many. But the mind thinks you will become one by gathering many. Therefore, you will understand at a precise moment that the mind is nothing but full of information.
The mind contains small boxes of information. These small boxes cannot join together. They are there as separate thoughts in the head. Furthermore, the role in front of you, which you play, is one small box. The one you want to realise is not in this small box.
The one you want to realise is here: seeing, touching, tasting, smelling, moving, sleeping, eating, drinking etc. Right in front of you. You can know it is passing away, passing away.
You will know that this moment never passes away. The moment is always there. But all the roles attached to that moment pass away. All the roles, all the thoughts, all the drama attached to the moment pass away.
The moment is fresh. Direct. Open sky. No vessel. No water in it. No container. No box. Just a total moment right in front of you. Where all these things, sight, sound, smell, fragrance, taste and touch are expressing intermittently.
Then slowly your attention will come on that very force which brings about all this. Brings about sight. Brings about touch. Brings about sound. Brings about movement.
That is your aliveness. It is beating in front of you. Right here every moment. That aliveness is one and many. That aliveness, which is one, appears as many.
Man and woman with knowledge search for the one through the many. Man and woman with wisdom do not search for the one. They understand the one is everywhere.
The enlightened lives the one in every moment.
Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
© Copyright V. S. Shankar 2019
Editor’s Note:
The mind’s command performance has been encapsulated in three words cogito, ergo sum. These words, albeit in illusory Latin, have earned the respect of philosophers: I think, therefore I am. Nevertheless, this statement has aged since it was enunciated over three hundred years ago. Wisdom is revealing in this article, through Dr Shankar, that whatever is expressed in this moment, which never ages, is passing away – it always has passed away and it always will. It cannot be otherwise. Understanding this is the dawn of leaving the land of the dead, the dawn of living.
Julian Capper. UK
German Translator‘s Note:
To accept the transient as transient without wanting to hold on to it, because one understands that holding on to it would be completely impossible, is a great step towards the wisdom of life. To understand the transitory as unity, as Dr. Shankar explains in detail here, is the prerequisite. The human mind has the natural function to divide and separate everything it perceives as real. Thus the past, the present and the future are considered different, but this is impossible because life is one and not many. Wisdom means to understand the transient flow of life as unity and not wanting to oppose the flow.
Marcus Stegmaier, Germany.