Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands
9th August 2018
Meeting (2)
Humans meet each other and human meetings happen in different situations and circumstances. Every meeting is either favourable or unfavourable. If the meeting is favourable more of the same is wished, wanted and desired.
If any meeting in any situation and circumstance is unfavourable, it is not wished, wanted or desired to happen again. Efforts are put into place so that the next meeting in that particular situation and circumstance is favourable.
Every moment in life happens unconditionally. Every moment happens unconditionally because man does not make any moment in life. If man were able to make any moment in life, he could also make the meeting with anyone with conditions.
Meeting anyone happens unconditionally. Meeting anyone happens unconditionally because every moment in life happens unconditionally. If man were able to make the moment in life, he could very well make the meetings conditionally.
Meetings nevertheless happen unconditionally, because man does not make the moment in life. The moment in life was much before man was manifested in the moment.
This wisdom implies that even the meetings with conditions happen unconditionally. Wisdom implies that the reaction or response that happens in the meetings is unconditional as well, but it nevertheless happens.
This implies that the conditions in the meeting are illusory and not real. This signifies that the reaction or response in the meeting, which is either acceptable or unacceptable, is illusory as well and not real.
Humans, who have knowledge of what a meeting should be and what it should not be, accept the meeting as it should be and do not accept the meeting as it is. The meeting is what it is and cannot be other than what is, is wisdom.
Humans with knowledge of meetings undergo the consequences of the unfavourable meeting in the particular situation and circumstance. The consequences are regret, pain, tears, despair, and agony, to mention a few.
As the reaction and response in the moment are what they are and cannot be other than what they are, the wise with deep understanding of this wisdom, accept every meeting as it happens and are calm and patient always.
Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
© Copyright V. S. Shankar 2018
Editor’s Note:
Men and women live side by side in communities and thrive on each other’s company and goodwill. Their daily life is a round of planned and spontaneous meetings or gatherings. A degree of forbearance may be needed when opposing ideas are presented. In spite of the mind’s expectation for favourable conditions, forbearance will give way gradually to mature understanding, as clearly presented in this article by Dr Shankar. Acceptance is the supreme gift.
Julian Capper, UK.
German Translator’s Note:
Meeting is a daily happening. Private meetings, businessmeetings, family meetings, dating meetings. All meetings are happening as they are meant to happen. This realisation of the wise makes every meeting precious, as it is. Thank you Dr. Shankar.
Marcus Stegmaier, Germany.