Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands
28th June 2018
Moment 5
“Intelligence as Objects”
Objects are in every moment where they are. This signifies that a moment is needed in life for objects to be in it. Objects are in the moment and they could neither know nor believe that they are in the moment in which they are, but yet objects are in the moment.
The question is: can objects make a moment in life to be able to be in the moment? The answer why objects cannot make a moment in life is given in the article ‘Moment 1.’
The enlightened have proclaimed that it is obvious objects do not make any moment in life and cannot make any moment in life either. So what is the understanding of the moment in life for objects by the enlightened, is the question?
The understanding of the moment in life for objects by the enlightened is: Objects, either big or small, in the moment are manifested by the intelligence in life, which is in the moment.
The way and manner in which the objects are in the moment is manifested by the intelligence in life, which is in the moment. It is obvious that objects cannot decide to be what they should be in any moment in life.
The understanding of the moment in life for objects by the enlightened is: Every object, either big or small, cannot be in any other size and shape than what it is in the moment by the intelligence in life.
The understanding of the moment in life for objects by the enlightened is: Every object, either big or small, cannot be of any other matter that makes the size and shape than the matter is in the moment by the intelligence in life.
The understanding of the moment in life for objects by the enlightened is: Every object, either big or small, cannot be of any other element-type than the element which makes up the matter in the moment by the intelligence in life.
The understanding of the moment in life for objects by the enlightened is: The intelligence in life manifests every object in the manner it is meant to be in the moment for humans to use in the moment.
Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
©Copyright V. S. Shankar 2018
Editor’s Comment:
Over the ages, man has invented and developed all manner of objects for his or her use and benefit. Improvements in life-style and efficiency have been the reward. Some objects, however, may have facilitated a negative outcome. Nor does man ever cease to explore and manufacture means for discovering life-forms in supra-terrestrial regions, albeit illusory. As the wise make clear, all this, without exception of time or place, has happened within the moment that is, manifested by the intelligence of life. What a wonder! Nor do the enlightened, with their deep understanding of the moment that is, ever cease to avail mankind of their guidance as it journeys through life.
Julian Capper, UK.
German Translator’s Note:
Often, things come to man and woman by buying them. They pay money for the items they need daily and for luxury items. The price is paid with expectations about the value of the object. The object is used, even if, for example, it is a work of art, the owner uses it for his enjoyment. Dr. Shankar in this article, not only reveals a deep insight into the way how objects are manifested through the intelligence in life in the moment, but also, as a result of that understanding, into the human psyche of expectations. Since expectations are illusory because every object is as it should be at the moment, objects give the human being an indication of an enlightened life, with no expectations of either objects or plants, animals or other human beings.
Marcus Stegmaier, Germany.