Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands

27 March 2019

Planning (2)


Man and woman love to plan and they do as well. Man and woman understand the importance of perfect planning as knowledge of planning assures results that are wished, wanted and desired.

Especially in sports planning takes top priority. The coach plans for a game and also plans the training for the game so that the game goes according to plan. This ensures the result expected not only by the coach, but also by the players.

Knowledge reveals that the result of planning the game and training for the game may or may not go according to perfect planning. When the result of perfect planning of a game is as expected, it emboldens the coach to plan for further games perfectly.

Knowledge also enforces the importance of perfect planning when the result of perfect planning is not as expected. The results of perfect planning are a vicious cycle that conditions a coach to plan.

Similarly, the knowledge of planning life is important to ensure success and avoid failure. Knowledge reveals that the result of planning life may or may not go according to perfect planning. When the result of perfect planning of life is as expected it emboldens man and woman to plan further in life perfectly.

Knowledge also enforces the importance of perfect planning in life when the result of perfect planning is not as expected. The results of perfect planning in life are a vicious cycle that conditions man and woman to plan life perfectly.

To man and woman with knowledge, the philosophy regarding planning is: planning makes perfect, game is a play-plan and play it, and life is a game-plan and play it.

To man and woman with wisdom, the philosophy regarding planning is: life happens as it is meant to happen every moment, including perfect planning, and man does not make the moment.

To man and woman with wisdom, the philosophy regarding planning also is: life is a game that is perfectly played by life as it is meant to be played, and a game is life that is perfectly played by life, as it is meant to be played.

The wisdom of planning is: a moment in life is not made by man nor the result, which is in the moment. Wisdom of planning reveals that result in the moment is what it is and cannot be another result besides the result, which is in the moment.

A wise man and woman accept the planning and the results which are in the moment. An enlightened being lives every moment as it happens.

Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
© Copyright V. S. Shankar 2019

Editor’s Note:
“The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men *gang aft agley.” wrote a famous Scottish poet. Both nations and individuals are conditioned to make plans –a sine qua non of daily life. So powerful is the concept of planning for a future outcome, albeit illusory, that it casts the dark shadow of expectation across the minds of governments and householders. *‘Often go awry. Thus, in their compassion for humanity’s distress and confusion, enlightened beings, both in this article and elsewhere, reveal the wisdom of planning that is paradoxically neither for a future outcome nor one that any man can control. Understanding this brings both freedom from condition and life filled with light.
Julian Capper, UK.

German Translator‘s Note: 
As this wise article makes clear, although planning is illusory, it cannot be prevented when it happens. Without this point, the wisdom of planning is incomplete and leads to confusion about not planning. Not wanting to plan would also be a plan. But all that man plans and does, does not plan and does, plans and does not do, does not plan and still does, is what is destined to happen and no power in the world can prevent or cause it. The resulting freedom of man is more valuable than the freedom to do what one wants which is not possible anyway. Gratitude for this wisdom remains. 
Marcus Stegmaier, Germany. 

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