Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands
20th June 2017
Everyone at some time in their life believes that it is possible for anyone to be other than what he or she is in any moment. Those times are when it is impossible for those living life with others to make living life in harmony possible.
The conditioned belief of the mind is that it is possible to be in any moment whatever you could be, want to be, should be or are expected to be. This belief has its consequences when it is impossible to be, in any moment, what is believed you could be, want to be, should be or are expected to be.
The enlightened, however, always find it is possible to live in harmony with anyone they live with. The enlightened also find it is possible to live in harmony with anyone they come to know or know.
What is the understanding of the enlightened that makes it possible for them to live in harmony with anyone they live with or with anyone they know or come to know is the question?
Now could it have been possible or was it possible for the first man on earth to be what he could, wanted, should or expected to be? It was impossible for the first man on earth to be what he could, wanted, should or expected to be, because he never could have known.
Though knowing did not evolve in primitive man, yet he was as he was and could not have been any other than what he was. As evolution progressed, it evolved primitive man to know what he was.
This implies that primitive man did not make himself to be what he was, though he knew what he was, because he came to know what he was. This indicates that it was not only impossible for him to be any other than what he was, but also it was not possible for him to be what he was.
As knowledge evolved in modern man, so did the belief that it is possible for man or woman to be what they want and that it is not impossible to be what they want, wish, expect or should be.
This belief is, however, not the truth for obvious reasons, because humans are what they are because of evolution and not because of themselves. It is not possible for humans to control evolution, meaning it is impossible.
The enlightened understand that humans are what they are in any moment of daily life and that it is impossible for them to be other than what they are. They, therefore, accept who they live with as they are and do not believe that it is possible for them to be other than what they are.
Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
© Copyright V. S. Shankar 2017
Editor’s Note:
A belief is a condition of mind. It is not, however, confirmation of any reality even though it may carry the assertion that it is so. A belief is, of course, tailor-made to the individual or group of individuals and is inevitably, therefore, in opposition to others’ beliefs. Changing the beliefs of others may become the aim. The wise, however, reveal in this article that no man can be other than what he or she is in any moment. Understanding this is the beginning of wisdom.
Julian Capper, U.K
German Translator’s Note:
„Everything is possible!“ is the mantra of the mind. The wise article by Dr. Shankar reveals that everything happens spontaneously, uncontrollably and unpredictably, albeit illusory. So there is nothing predestined, meaning only one possibility could happen, but all possibilities are open to the spontaneity of life, but not under the control of the mind. In this sense, the spontaneous flow of life is the only possibility.
Marcus Stegmaier, Germany.