Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands

6 April 2018

Precision 4


Man and woman with knowledge, by reason and logic, prefer, insist, demand, wish, want and even advise to keep everything in its rightful place where it belongs so that it is easy to find.

When what is needed is not found, varied emotions come into play and the belief that everything should be kept in its rightful place is emphasized more than it is normally done.

The enlightened understand that the knowledge of man and woman that everything should be in its rightful place has happened to them precisely as it is meant to happen. Furthermore, they understand that nothing beside that could happen in the moment to the particular man and woman in the precise moment.

The enlightened also understand that the emotions that are present when things are not found are precisely present in the precise moment as well. Furthermore, they understand that nothing beside the emotions could be present in that precise moment to the particular man and woman.

The enlightened further understand the emphasis that things are to be in their rightful place also are precisely present in the precise moment and nothing beside the emphasis could be present in the moment to those who emphasize the belief.

The understanding of the enlightened is that everything is in its rightful place because, what is in any place in any moment, can neither be early in the place nor late in the place.

The enlightened also understand that the intelligence in life precisely manifests not only the moment, but also everything that is meant to be in that precise moment, which is its place.

Furthermore, the enlightened understand that the intelligence in life precisely manifests the moment in the entire life. This means that everything in the entire life is precisely in its place and is neither early nor late.

The enlightened also understand that the intelligence in life precisely manifests the moment in the entire life. This means that everything in the entire life is precisely in its place and nothing beside that could be present in the place than what is present in the precise moment.

Furthermore, the enlightened understand that the drama of ‘find’ the things that are not found in their rightful place also happens precisely, as it is meant to happen. No other drama can be present beside the drama of ‘find’.

The enlightened understand that everything is meant to be where it is meant to be and no force on earth can make it not be in the place where it is.

Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
© Copyright V. S. Shankar 2018

Editor’s Note:
Knowing and understanding are beautifully illustrated in this article gifted by Dr Shankar. During man and woman’s period of knowing in their daily life, they may conceive of the precise and necessary apportionment of time and place to actions and physical objects. Should there be any unexpected change to the time or the place that has been pre-conceived, a drama may well be experienced of an emotional kind. As the understanding of the enlightened matures and deepens in man and woman, so the realization that every detail in their entire, daily life is precisely where it is meant to be; nor can it be otherwise.
Julian Capper, UK.

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