Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands
10 April 2018
Precision 6
“Dramas in life”
Daily life is a drama of different varieties. Every variety of drama happens at different places. Even in the same place different varieties of drama too happen and no drama at any place is identical. The dramas may be similar at different places, but they are never identical.
To every man and woman too the different dramas in the same place may be similar, but never identical, because the intensity of drama varies in every individual.
The dramas at every place may be enjoyable, with a desire for repetition, which may or may not happen. The dramas may also be unacceptable, with a wish for them never to happen again, which again may or may not happen.
The dramas at every place have their emotions which are desirable and are longed for more of the same. The dramas at every place have their emotions which are not desired and are wished never to happen again.
The dramas at every place may even be chaotic, which are not desired. A drama of wishing, hoping and praying that the dramas happen in an orderly manner, but never chaotic, happen as well.
The philosophers say that the dramas in daily life are real and the dramas can be controlled to make them ideal. The enlightened, however, proclaim that daily life is a drama, which is no different from a dream.
A dream, however, is not real, meaning it is illusory. This signifies that the illusory dramas of daily life that happen at every place cannot happen in any other way than they happen.
Since a dream can neither be made by man nor controlled by him, it signifies that an ideal drama can neither be made by him nor controlled by him. An ideal drama of daily life may or may not happen, just as an ideal dream may or may not happen.
So how could modern man and woman understand the enlightened proclamation that not only is daily life an illusory drama, but also that the drama of daily life cannot be other than what the drama is in daily life, is the question?
When understanding happens to modern man and woman that the intelligence in life precisely manifests the words that create a drama in precise moments and no other word is manifested in the moment beside the word that is manifested in the moment, they will understand that they do not make any word in the moment. This is because they do not make any moment in daily life.
This signifies that the dramas in daily life can neither be controlled by man nor woman nor can they make the drama happen. The enlightened have rightly proclaimed that man is not the doer, speaker or thinker in daily life. This signifies that man as a doer, speaker and thinker is an illusory drama or a dream.
Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
©Copyright V. S. Shankar 2018
Editor’s Note:
The wise have declared that the moment and what is contained within the moment is not made by man or woman. Now, there is no man or woman who, in his or her daily life, is a stranger to a drama. The drama may prove a barrier or obstacle to the realization of a dream. For example, a house-builder may be thwarted during the process of building his dream-house by a dramatic rise in the cost of materials or labour. The understanding that such a drama can neither be controlled nor rectified by man or woman is the beginning of wisdom.
Julian Capper, UK.
German Translator’s Note:
The conditioned mind needs the drama. How else could one live his or her life purposefully and rationally? Man, by his conditioning that he plans and accomplishes life, does not trust the precision of life, but only the personal drama in his mind, without understanding how illusory it is. He or she thinks the drama is necessary, right and real. But deep contemplation, whether the drama is real or illusory, reveals that the drama is like a crutch to alleviate the insecurity of life, with uncertainty itself not being real but illusory. That is, the drama is needed as long as the human being has not recognized the precision of life, and so long is the drama precisely present.
Marcus Stegmaier, Germany.