Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands

31th May 2018

Seed 3

“Human Beings”

A human sperm and a human ovum make a human seed. Where did the first human seed come from? There is nothing within any human seed. How does nothing become a seed for a human so that another human could come? 

There is nothing within a human seed. How does a human come from nothing? There is nothing within any seed of human. How does colour for a human come from nothing? 

There is nothing within a human seed. How do different colours for different humans come from nothing? There is nothing within a human seed. How does shape for a human come from nothing? There is nothing within a human seed. How do different shapes for different humans come from nothing? 

There is nothing within a human seed. How does natural behaviour for a human come from nothing? There is nothing within a human seed. How does different behaviour for every human come from nothing? 

There is nothing within a human seed. How does natural and educated behaviour for a human come from nothing? There is nothing within a seed. How does different natural and educated behaviour for different humans come from nothing? 

There is nothing within a human seed. How does sound from humans come from nothing? There is nothing within a human seed. How do different sounds from different humans come from nothing? 

There is nothing within a human seed. How does a thought in a human mind come from nothing? There is nothing within a human seed. How do different thoughts in a human mind come from nothing? 

There is nothing within a human seed. How does an action of a human come from nothing? There is nothing within a human seed. How do different actions from a human come from nothing? 

Humans with knowledge take a human seed and whatever comes out of the human seed for granted. They do not understand the wisdom of any human seed and the wisdom of whatever comes out of any human seed. 

Because knowledge takes a human seed and whatever comes out of that human seed for granted, judgmentsand emotions of varying intensities are present in the mind of humans about each other.

Humans with wisdom of a human seed and wisdom of whatever comes out of a human seed, however, accept every human seed as it is and accept whatever comes out of any human seed without judgments. 

So what is the wisdom of a human seed, is the question? It is paradoxical that it is the knowledge of a human seed that reveals wisdom of a human seed when the meaning implied by the knowledge of a human seed is deeply understood by humans.

The meaning conveyed by scientific knowledge of a human seed is that every atom of any human seed is light. The deep meaning of this scientific knowledge reveals wisdom that every human seed is an illusion of light, including whatever comes out of the human seed. Wisdom further implies that the illusion of light, as any human thought and action, cannot be any other illusion than the illusion of thought and action which is present in any moment. 

The enlightened understand this wisdom of a human seed and, therefore, accept every human as he or she is in any moment, including their thoughts and actions. They do not expect them or their thoughts and actions to be other than what they are in any moment.

Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
©Copyright V. S. Shankar 2018

Editor’s Note:
Does vegetation have a unique journey in life? Does the animal kingdom? Does a human being? Each comes out of a seed with its own distinctive nature and characteristics. Man’s understanding of the life of each arises from knowledge of its seed. Expectations and judgments on its growth and development follow. The enlightened, however, respecting the wisdom of their seed, realise that they cannot be other than they are in every moment. Thus, they accept everyone as they are in every moment, without judgment.
Julian Capper, UK.

German Translator’s Note: 
Man is connected with the rest of humanity through the seed from which he originated. But just as the individual comes from a seed which, like Dr. Shankar explains, comes from the non-material light of life, this also applies to all humanity. This article answers the question of where the individual and all humanity come from and where they are going to.
Marcus Stegmaier, Germany.

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