Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands
25th May 2018
“Not fresh"
The mind in life is fresh. Mind in life with a thought is stale in every moment and not fresh, even for a moment. The mind, when it reports a thought, it is stale and, therefore, every moment anywhere in the mind with a thought is stale and not fresh.
A moment in the mind in life is without a thought. Therefore, the mind in life without a thought is always fresh. The mind in life without a thought is fresh because life is fresh in every moment.
The mind reports what is in the moment in life as a thought. This implies that whatever is reported in life by the mind in the moment anywhere is stale and not fresh, even for a moment.
Why the mind with a thought is stale in every moment anywhere, is the question?
The mind in life is fresh every moment anywhere, because a moment in the mind in life anywhere renews itself without numerical duration of time. Furthermore, since duration of numerical time is needed for a letter or a word to exist, a moment in the mind in life signifies that not even a letter exists in any moment in the mind in life.
Also, since in between a moment and the next is a moment as well, it signifies that a moment in the mind in life is eternal. As the moment in the mind in life is eternal and without a letter or a word, it implies that all that is present in any moment anywhere in the mind in life is light and sound. They are always fresh and not stale.
The human mind always reports life. The report is needed to live daily life. The human mind reports what is present in life, what is happening in life, what is expected in life, what should happen in life and what should not happen in life.
The report refers to every aspect of daily life, including health and relationships. So what could the understanding be that makes the mind in life fresh and never stale, is the question?
The moment in the mind in life is always fresh. This isbecause an eternal river of light and sound is all there is in the mind in life in any moment, with its characteristic light and sound.
Therefore, the mind in life is fresh in the moment anywhere in life. When the report of the moment in life is in the mind, it makes the mind anywhere in life stale and not fresh.
The enlightened live daily life reported by the mind to them without judgements or interpretations. They understand that the mind in life is without a thought and, therefore, a moment in life with a thought is stale and not fresh.
The enlightened accept life as it flows in any moment. They understand that the mind in life cannot be other than what it is and that whatever is in the mind is stale and not fresh. This is why the mind in life is always fresh and not stale to the enlightened, no matter how the mind in life reports daily life.
Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
©Copyright V. S. Shankar 2018
Editor’s Note:
Man understands that life has a beginning and that life has an ending. This is the resolute belief that encompasses his entire existence. Thus, he celebrates the starting of life and regrets the ending of life. There is no other play. The understanding of the wise, however, confirms that life just flows. It carries no thought. It is not enabled in its flow for it has neither beginning nor end. It needs neither to start nor to cease. Life is always fresh. Man delights in repetition which is always stale. Life repeats and the repetition is always fresh.
Julian Capper, UK.
German Translator’s Note:
Man is totally dependent on his thoughts for the experience of the world. He takes his mind for the current report of life. But even if you try to be in the here and now, you think of the here and now instead of living it. Recognizing that this is the case is the step into the here and now, without thought or with thoughts understood as illusionary. Thus, the wise lead us from stale to fresh life.
Marcus Stegmaier, Germany.