Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands
4 November 2017
Every man and woman needs to talk to each other in a family in the house. Without talking nothing could happen in a family. In the house there is a place for a temple or symbols of God too. God meaning the intelligence in life or light. Prayers are offered to God daily in the house for good things to happen in certain religions.
A temple in an Indian house has a spiritual significance. It indicates that in the house God resides and that each member of the family is a child of God. It also indicates that we should talk with each other in a family, just as we talk with anyone in a temple.
In a temple or church we pray and talk with God with love. So too we talk with love to anyone we may happen to meet in a temple or church. The significance is that when we meet each member of a family in a house, we need to talk with love.
When we talk with each member of the family with love, we are close to God. If we do not talk with members of a family in the house with love, we remain far away from God.
If we do not talk with love to each member of the family, there is no point in praying to God at home, in a temple or in a church. There is no point in going to the temple or church as well, because we do not talk with love at home.
The significance is that neither your prayers at home, in a temple or church reach God, if you do not talk with love to each member of the family. A family is a unit brought about by God’s blessings in every religion. Therefore, a family and every member of the family needs to be respected with love.
There are only two ways to live and to talk. You either live in love or you live in hate. You either talk with love or talk with hate. There is no in-between because God is everywhere.
Spiritual scriptures are read in praise of God at home or at church and spiritual songs are sung in praise of God at home, at a temple or church. Both are done religiously with love and not with hate.
This implies that, if you do not talk with love in a family to members of a family, both reading a scripture and singing spiritual songs at home, at a temple or church, do not reach God.
Importantly, if you do not talk with love, it destroys a house and does not build a house. It destroys a family and does not unite a family. This implies that it destroys God’s blessings for good things to happen, which are prayed for, and it does not ripen God’s blessings for good things to happen, which are prayed for. A family is a great gift from God to be close to God, meaning the intelligence in life or light.
Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
© Copyright V. S. Shankar 2017
Editor’s Note:
A family is a wonderful gift in life. It may include a father, mother, sibling, cousin or in-law. There may be many generations. The gift of speech is also a wonderful gift from life. It may impart words of praise or words of criticism, words of respect or words of insult, words of service or words of demand, words of protection or words of threat, words of gratitude or words of disdain. The gift of enlightenment, offered in this article, is God’s blessing to every family and to every member of every family. May it be so.
Julian Capper, UK.
German Translator’s Note:
Any religion is only helpful to be close to God, if it helps the believer to be loving in every aspect of daily life. This is a deep insight, because life is love and the mind is both love and hate. Life as love is unconditional and the mind as love and hate is conditional. Dr. Shankar lovingly points out the hypocrisy of the believer-mind. And helps to find a truly religious life in the presence of God, meaning the intelligence in life or light.
Marcus Stegmaier, Germany.