Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands
28 April 2023
The Moment
The moment which is now is known as the moment which is now or the now moment. The moment which is now is always present and is called the present or the present moment.
Man, woman or child are in the moment which is now. Every child is born in the moment and is alive in the moment. The child does not make the moment to be born within it.
Nature is in the moment and nature is as it is in the moment. Nature cannot be other than what it is in the moment. Man, woman or child are what they are in the moment and cannot be other than what they are in the moment.
Weather is in the moment and weather is as it is in the moment. Weather cannot be other than what it is in the moment. Man, woman or child are what they are in the moment and cannot be other than what they are in the moment.
Every movement is in the moment. There cannot be more than a movement in moment which is now. This implies that an action cannot be in the moment. This signifies that an action is imagined and an action is not an actuality in the moment now.
Nature ages every moment. This implies that humans too age every moment and they cannot control aging. Nature decays every moment. This implies that humans too decay every moment, which is now.
Humans see in the moment and identify what is seen in the moment. This implies that humans see and identify what they are destined to see and identify. This signifies that humans cannot see or identify other than what they see and identify in the moment now.
Humans hear sound which is heard in the moment. This implies that humans hear particular sounds and know what they are destined to hear. This signifies that humans cannot hear and know other than what they hear and know in the moment now.
Humans eat in the moment now. This implies that humans eat what they are destined to eat. This signifies that humans cannot eat other than what they eat in the moment now.
Humans are in the moment now. This implies that humans are destined to be wherever they are in the moment. This signifies that humans cannot be other than where they are in the moment now.
The enlightened realise that a moment happens by itself and no-one makes the moment happen. They realise that the moment contains what it contains and it cannot be other than what it is.
The enlightened realise this and accept everything as it is and do not expect anything to be what it should be.
Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
© Copyright V. S. Shankar 2023
Editor’s Note
Born to Live
Was man born to die?
This article which has been gifted through the wisdom and compassion for humanity of Dr Shankar is the path for every human being towards knowing who he or she really is.
The moment now is the whole and sole reality in the lifetime of every live human birth. Moment is life; awareness in the moment is living. Mind is not life. Living in the thoughts and imaginations of the mind is dying.
Man is part of nature and nature is man’s ever- present reminder of his own life.
Man was not born to die. Man was born to know who he or she really is.
What a blessing.
Julian Capper, UK.
German Translator‘s Note:
Man was born and he cannot remember it. Everyone just finds himself in this world somehow at some point and realizes that he is alive. The thoughts in the head begin to tell stories about the past and the future. So man finds himself in his world of thoughts, which is never in the here and now. In this imaginary world there is becoming and passing, birth and death, life and death, gain and loss. But if it is meant to happen, life reveals itself in the now, in freedom from thoughts, in timeless eternity. The understanding of the illusory world in the mind follows the deep insight that everything is in its place at all times and can never be other than it is. The enlightened ones, through their explanations as in this article by Dr. Shankar, give the understanding reader life in the Now that everyone already has, with only the one who can distinguish the impermanent from the eternal becoming aware of life in the Now.
Marcus Stegmaier, Germany.