Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands
23 November 2018
Man and woman, boy and girl who are deeply in love, both feel that time flows by fast and time happens slowly when they are not together. Similarly, time flows by when you are engrossed in anything that deeply catches your interest.
In life, a moment and every moment in a day flows by. Neither man nor woman makes the moment nor its flow. Man and woman understand that there is time in every moment that happens.
In life, a second and every second in a day flows by. Neither man nor woman makes the second nor its flow. Man and woman understand that there is time in every second that flows.
In life, a minute and every minute in a day flows by. Neither man nor woman makes the minute nor its flow. Man and woman understand that there is time in every minute that flows.
In life, an hour and every hour in a day flows by. Neither man nor woman makes the hour in the day nor its flow. Man and woman understand that there is time in every hour that happens and take it for granted as real.
In life, a day and every day flows by. Neither man nor woman makes the day nor its flow. Man and woman understand that there is time in every day that happens and take the day for granted as real.
In life, a week and every week flows by. Neither man nor woman makes the week nor its flow. Man and woman understand that there is time in every week that happens and take the week for granted as real.
In life, a month and every month flows by. Neither man nor woman makes the month nor its flow. Man and woman understand that there is time in every month that happens and take the month for granted as real.
In life, a year and every year flows by. Neither man nor woman makes the year nor its flow. Man and woman understand that there is time in every year that happens and take the year for granted as real.
Wisdom reveals that a moment is in every second and in between every second. Wisdom reveals that a moment is in every second of a minute and in between every second in a minute.
Wisdom reveals that a moment is in every minute and in between every minute of an hour. Wisdom reveals that a moment is in every hour and in between every hour of a day.
Wisdom reveals that a moment is in every day and in between every day of a week. Wisdom reveals that a moment is in every week and in between every week of a month.
Wisdom reveals that a moment is in every month and in between every month of a year. Wisdom reveals that a moment is in every year and in between every year of a life-time.
Wisdom reveals that numerical time-duration is absent in a moment and a moment renews itself without the need of numerical time-duration.
The enlightened realise that time without numerical duration flows eternally in the ‘here and now’ in life. The enlightened realise that illusory, numerical time-duration flows eternally in the ‘here and now’ of the human mind.
The enlightened have rightly proclaimed that life is a singular movement. The enlightened realise that you live every moment in your life-time and not live years of your life-time.
Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
© Copyright V. S. Shankar 2018
Editor’s Note:
Human beings live as though a life-time is a measured and finite period of time, but without any certainty as to its conclusion: ‘three score years and ten’. This has been the traditional span of a life, often interrupted by an unexpected event. Time has an authority that demands absolute obedience, albeit illusory. ‘Oh my ears and whiskers! I’m late, I’m late for a very important date. No time to say hello, goodbye. I’m late, I’m late, I’m late’’, said the white rabbit. Yes, a satire on how man and woman live. The moment in every man-made division of life is lost in this counterfeit measure and yet the moment is understood by the wise to be the mark of eternity. It cannot be lost. Understanding this is wisdom, the eternal life we all seek.
Julian Capper, UK.