Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands
12 May 2021
“Moment, Space”
Moment and space are two words in human knowledge. The two words in human knowledge are taken for granted, that the moment has a space that occupies the moment.
The significance of the two words, however, is different and in many ways as well. Firstly, the two words signify that the moment occupies a space. The space that occupies the moment, however, cannot occupy any other than what the moment has within it.
Secondly, the two words signify that the moment is occupied by everyone, but no-one can occupy the same moment that is occupied by a particular man, woman or child.
Thirdly, the two words signify that only a single movement by any individual occupies the moment. And the moment cannot occupy any other movement than the movement the moment occupies.
Fourthly, the two words signify that the movement within the moment is at a particular speed in the space occupied by the moment. And the moment cannot occupy any other speed than the speed the movement carries in the space.
Fifthly, the two words signify that the movement within the moment may be absent. And the absence of the movement cannot be made to be present within the moment in the space occupied by the moment.
To expect or reject the movement in the space and the moment is futile. It is futile and impossible because the moment and space within it cannot carry other than what the moment and space have.
Sixthly, the two words signify that the word occupied by the space within the moment cannot be any other word than the word occupied in the space of the moment.
Seventhly, the two words signify that the tone of word occupied by the space within the moment cannot be any other tone than the tone occupied in the space of the moment.
To expect, reject or to be angry at the word and its tone in the space within the moment is futile. It is futile and impossible because the moment and space within it cannot carry other word or tone than themoment and space have.
Eighthly, the two words signify that the thought occupied by the space within the moment cannot be any other thought than the thought occupied in the space of the moment.
Ninthly, the two words signify that a thought or a word within the moment may be absent. And the absence of thought and word cannot be made to be present within the moment in the space occupiedby the moment.
The enlightened accept the moment and what the moment and the space within the moment contains. The enlightened do not expect or get angry of their presence or absence.
Author: Dr.Vijai S. Shankar
© Copyright V. S. Shankar 2021
Editor’s Note:
As these deep revelations, gifted by the wise, about life as it really is, begin to dissolve the conditioning of mind, so the evolutionary journey of man towards enlightenment proceeds, if it is meant to. The resources of the ego, including pride and the authority of knowledge, albeit invalid,make their stand as they must.
Julian Capper, UK.
German Translator‘s Note:
Space and time are the greatest mysteries of science. The enlightened do not define space and time, that is the function of the mind, albeit illusory. The enlightened understand the moment and all that is contained in its spatial extension as a mystery that can never be other than what it is. Mind is also contained in it, as an illusion of sound. Perfect spontaneous clarity about the uncontrollability of the moment and the space, as well as the respective contents of the same, means freedom from the illusion of words in thoughts as well as in oral or written communication. Equanimity is the gift of life to the enlightened.
Marcus Stegmaier, Germany.