Julian Capper, UK.

Published on www.acadun.com

The Netherlands

30th December 2013





Man acknowledges the presence of wisdom through language universally.


Call wisdom: sagesse, sapienza, Weisheit, sabiduria, sophia, viisaus, visdom, wijsheid, mudrost; write it in Cyrillic or Devanagari script; write it in Arabic, Chinese or Bengali script – there is wisdom, acknowledged and honoured by man as the highest attribute. From the word wisdom emanates mystery, simplicity, eternity, indestructability. It is incontrovertible, without colour or persuasion, without force or guile, without time or place.


For many centuries, wisdom has been available to man through ancient languages such as Sanskrit or Greek. The understanding of wisdom has been gifted to those proficient in these languages, whilst those who were not proficient in them had to rely on translations, especially the western man.


However, only those who understood these languages and the messages of the enlightened sages totally were able to provide authentic translations. As Sanskrit and Greek languages were replaced by modern languages, the numbers of those with total understanding obviously dwindled. They were replaced by those without total understanding of ancient languages and the messages of the enlightened sages as well. The authors without total understanding who interpreted the enlightened sages became sages, but nevertheless not enlightened. This was the moment when wisdom was replaced by the superficial understanding of the interpreters. Wisdom became knowledge. As the authentic messages of the enlightened sages dwindled for lack of authentic translators, the unreliable messages of the interpreters became popular. This popular knowledge was accepted as wisdom universally. Man was not aware at those times that it was knowledge and not wisdom. The situation is the same even in present times.


This process whereby knowledge is taken to be wisdom has been happening for more than ten centuries and is still going on.


The wisdom given by the enlightened sages were only statements, but not their explanations, as life did not make it happen to them at that time. Yet the interpretations of the popular translators were taken to be explanations of the statements of the enlightened sages.

I am in the sixth decade of life and have gained some proficiency in both the Greek and Sanskrit languages. I have noticed the development of this trend with clarity.


Life expressed wisdom through ancient languages such as Sanskrit and Greek until now. And now, in this 21st century, it is also clear that life has begun to express the wisdom in the English language, and with much more depth and clarity, for this language is widespread and understood well by human beings universally. The need for translation of the ancient languages is not required as wisdom is made available by life in the English language.


It is not easy for man to accept the wisdom in English, firstly, because man believes that wisdom can only be conveyed in the ancient languages and, secondly, because he has accepted the interpretations of the popular translators as explanations of the statements of the enlightened sages. He has also accepted their interpretations as the truth. But, unfortunately, they are knowledge but not wisdom.


The enlightened sages have stated that the truth covers itself with a veil of ignorance. And the truth that is covered is that life is without cause or effect, time is absent in life and man is not the doer. The veil of ignorance is, paradoxically, knowledge because knowledge informs that time is real, life happens because of cause and effect and man is the doer. Ignorance is also the fact that the knowledge of the interpretations and explanations of the statements of the enlightened sages include time, cause and effect and man as the doer.


Now, in the 21st century, life has begun to express the explanations of the statements of the enlightened sages in more depth and clarity in the English language. This is expected as life has sophisticated much more than it was before the 21st century. Until the 20th century life expressed only statements of wisdom through the enlightened sages, and not their explanations. Life is now expressing the explanations of the statements of wisdom by the enlightened sages through a man Vijai S. Shankar. I have had the privilege and opportunity not only to scrutinise the authenticity of the content, but also the privilege to correct the English grammar. I find, after diligent scrutiny, the explanation of the statements of the enlightened sages given through the books, articles, CD’s and DVD’s by Dr Vijai S. Shankar point to wisdom of the enlightened sages and an eye-opener to humanity. These are available on www.acadun.com


One could ask, how could man be sure of their authenticity? I have observed that the books are written which reflect the meaning of an Upanishad, which is: ‘come, sit and listen’. The books are a conversation between a speaker and many listeners. The articles give credence to the statement ‘neti neti’. The CD’s contain talks that do not tell people what to do, but merely explain why man is not the doer and that the world, man, mind, time, cause and effect are illusory and not real, just as the enlightened sages had declared. The talks reveal wisdom to mean that life is a mystery, a simplicity, and eternal, indestructible, incontrovertible, without colour or persuasion, without force or guile, without time or place. This is proof of its authenticity.


One could also ask, why does man need wisdom? Man needs wisdom to understand what enlightenment could really mean.


It is not difficult to understand them as wisdom for they are presented in the English language. But it is important to set aside the beliefs, which man has accepted as wisdom and enlightenment, whilst reading the books and articles or listening to the CD’S and DVD’s, for wisdom and enlightenment to happen. It is paradoxical that knowledge, which is the veil of ignorance, has been accepted as enlightenment, whilst wisdom, when understood, removes the veil of ignorance and reveals enlightenment. Wisdom, however, is yet to be recognised in the present times.


Let it be said that the ancient scriptures, with their wisdom, happened to man in ancient times, and so it could very well happen to man even in the present times. Therefore, there is no reason why they will not happen to man now. One should not be surprised that they do. They are happening now and in great depth and clarity. One should be able to recognise them and neither ignore nor reject them.


The chronological references here are from the Western or Gregorian calendar, having relative, not absolute provenance.


Julian Capper, UK.


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