DVD with Dutch and German Subtitles



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***** The best 200 of films received (out of >1000) this year by the YoungCuts Film Festival. *****



COMMENTS: DVD ‘Non –Duality life as it is

Comment: Michael Jeffery’s review ‘Non –Duality Life as it is’
Anna, Slovania
What a beautiful review of Dr.Shankar`s DVD Non Duality: Life as it is, thank you Michael!
I haven`t purchased the DVD yet but I certainly will soon. Right now I am reading Dr. Shankar`s Kaivalya Gita Vol.2 and it is really amazing how deep it leads you into the understanding of the thinking process of the mind and how this process creates the illusion of actions in our life. There are no actions in life, they are only thoughts. There is only one singular movement in life and since this movement is eternally ongoing it is not possible to perceive when a sepatare movement of an object or a subject begins or is ending. Everything is in an everlasting movement but the mind thinks that something stops when it interrupts its identification with this thing. When the mind sees the object again then the illusion of an action of any kind arises. There are neither actions nor any doers of actions, there is only movement in an eternal flow. This understanding is very joyful. Sometimes while reading I start laughing and the laughter is both of relief and fun.




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In this weekend:
Book launch “What am I” and in German translation.
See preface.

What is the reach of man’s knowledge?

What is the reach of man’s understanding?

If man did not make death and is present yet not present – what am I?

In this book “What am I”, Dr. Shankar, shares his understanding of life and its illusions with men and women who are searching for enlightenment.

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Delivery after 17th of September


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Delivery after 17th of September



The academy attended the biggest book market of Europe in Deventer, Netherlands, on the 7th of August. Many visitors showed keen interest in the books found in the Academy.



NEW TOP CD/DVD “Family” and CD/DVD “Yoga as an illusion”



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Comment: CD ‘Seeking’
Brigette Welsh, USA
Oh! I like the CD seeking.

Comment: CD’s and Books
Hiroshi Upshur, USA
Just a note to thank the Academy for making available the CD's and books by Dr. Shankar.
I have plenty of CD's and listen to them almost daily. What is amazing is after listening , the mind doesn't retain what I just listened to. I have listened to a few CD's even several times and each time it is new and fresh. Things become much more clearer after each listening. There are quite a few aha moments. And then in the next hour I couldn't tell you what I just listened to. I have transferred them onto my i pod. And in my last trip to Europe I listened all the way up on my trip to Europe and back from Vegas. And as far as his books are concerned, I highlight while I am reading. Having read some chapters on a third reading those pages are totally highlighted.

Comment: CD ‘Meaning of life’
Elisabeth, Netherlands
Life itself has put forth that questioning dilemma to find out the meaning of life. You cannot find any meaning in life. You can put a meaning only in your mind, not in life. Life is without any time where you can put any meaning into it. We can only speak about the past, and the past is the meaning of life. The meaninglessness of life can be found in the now. Just now. The now is the future, the present is the future. The future is the present. Future is nothing but the past happening in the now. You cannot put the mind in the present.

Comment: CD ‘Meaning of life’
Elisabeth, Netherlands
What do we exactly mean by meaning? Meaning is what? Your rationalizations, your reasoning faculty. Meaning has got a place within your mind only to you. Who you say others are is really who you are.  Man used to live exactly like animals and birds, just like nature. A bee will not tell another bee how to do the job. We fail to recognize that maybe the way the other is doing it, probably he is enjoying it. That is why life is meaningless in one way and meaningful in another way. Meaningful to the person who speaks, meaningless to the person who listens. That is why life is illogical. Life is mysterious. So whenever somebody does something, just watch it very patiently because he is enjoying it, it is happening to him.


Comment: CD ‘Mystery’
Elisabeth, Netherlands
How does one go about comprehending and then perceiving that life is a mystery?  Do I know knowledge, or do I know a mystery ‘appearing’ as knowledge? That should be our pondering, then the let go will happen. Once the ‘let go’ happens, then you are it. This mystery can be understood not directly, indirectly. We have got an indirect experiencing of our life through our senses. At that point when all our beliefs become meaningless, then life will become very meaningful. If life is a mystery, the known too is within the mystery. Somebody is doing everything for me in the now, and not me. Very much touched by your sharing. It also moves me to understand Draupadi saying, ‘if You want to save me You can. I am not, only You are there.’ And the Nirvana Shatakam by Adi Shankaracharya is overwhelmingly beautiful.


Comment: ‘Academy of Absolute Understanding’
Paul Dekker, Maastricht
Man’s goal in his life is to become happy, so he thinks! To achieve his goal man thinks he needs to know and do things. He also thinks to advise anybody else to know and do things to become happy. Still man’s main striving in his life has not yet reached its objective: happiness! Therefore, man even tries to know and do more, so that he thinks to have known and done everything what is within his capacity. But, by doing so it looks to him as if his goal has become even more unreachable. No knowledge and no doing seems to be sufficient to attain what man thinks to be happiness. This scenario makes him move to the ultimate strategy of doing, called: hoping! Now man embarks for a tremendous effort to know and do everything, to become the best hoper in the world. Still his efforts aren’t answered by life, so man thinks, for to him it seems life has still not yet met his expectation about happiness. Now man blames life for his on-going misery and unhappiness. Irrespective of his blaming and against all his believes, man desperately keeps on trying, trying, and trying, for only the thought of doing the keep-on-trying-hoping itself, gives him at least the idea to be somebody, all be it only a desperate do-keep-on-try-hoper. But, all the way through it was life itself that made man think he can do and is the doer. And, in de meanwhile, also all the way through, life evolved and sophisticated patiently, until it reflected through Doctor Shankar the Academy of Absolute Understanding. The Academy is not an academy of knowledge, but an academy of understanding. Life can’t be known, the mind can only be understood to be illusory. Once this understanding is absolute, life is able to realise itself by itself through man. If man has absolutely understood what the Academy of Absolute Understanding helps man to understand absolutely, only then he would not be in need of an Academy of Absolute Understanding, for he would have understood absolutely. But, the question is put forward: has man understood absolutely!?



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"Every man or woman is a mystery.”


Dr. Vijai S Shankar