NEW ARTICLE: “Phenomena in Life”


Everything has happened in life, including the world probably, at some moment. This moment, however, is a mental assumption of time without a precise, numerical estimate of it. Nevertheless, man embraces a moment as an estimate of time without proof of its duration. The moment life and the world began is accepted and embraced as a reality by intellectuals of two revered contrasting schools of thought: one is religion and the other science. The school of science believes the world began by a big bang and life by evolution, while religion attributes both life and the world as the will and work of God. Each school guards its beliefs as….. read further


Dutch translation

German translation




CONVERSATION: Marcus Stegmaier with X

X: Hi. All is well over here and hoping all is well with you and your family. How is Dr. Shankar doing ?

Marcus: Thanks for asking. We are all fine, and Dr. Shankar is still here.  

X: Was pondering this morning as it happens often and have a few questions for you if you don't mind. - The world is illusory so that would include even science. So when Dr. Shankar quotes from various scientific sources I take it that he quotes not taking science as being real or the truth at all correct ? So the illusion being science is quoted to disprove or prove the illusion right ? 

Marcus: Yes, science is not real but illusory, too. As the sages point out the illusory to be illusory, so does science and the sages are as illusory as science. Only the illusory points out its own illusoriness, not anything real does. Proof is illusory too, so science is not quoted to prove of disprove, but to help man understand beyond proof or disproof. 

X: Science today ….. read further,



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“Life conditions the mind, mind does not”


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“Life conditions the mind, mind does not”


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Comment: CD ‘Conditioned Mind - 1’

Elisabeth, Netherlands

The predominant conditioned thought in man’s mind is that he is a doer, speaker and thinker. It is not man’s mind who brings about this conditioning, the conditioning happens to man’s mind. Man, present day generation, sophisticated man, he cannot believe that life happens to him, he is convinced that he has to make life happen. It is very hard for a conditioned mind to comprehend that life happens to man just as it happens to any plant, any animal. To not approach life with our conditioned mind, but to be alive, eternal, because it is not you who see, hear, smell, taste or touch. It is a blow to the ego to realize it cannot do anything. Thank you, Dr. Shankar, the satsang touches me deeply.


Comment: CD ‘Conditioned Mind - 2’

Elisabeth, Netherlands

It is very important to first identify, where is my life, where is the life in which I am? In which realm of time does life exist? It is not man who makes life move, it is life which makes man move. Man in this movement believes that he is a doer and he keeps life moving. Our beliefs in the mind are the bondage. The moment you realize there is no reality in whatever meaning the mind imparts, you are clear about it. Clarity is the only action if at all there is one. Trust will  happen that life happens to me and I do not make it happen. Dr. Shankar makes it very clear that the moment you understand that you are not the doer, the speaker, or the thinker, you will realize you were forming an opinion because you felt the other was responsible. Now even this is happening to you and you cannot do anything about it. Thank you for this sharing.







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"Mind is in the past or the future. Life is in the moment"


Dr. Vijai S Shankar