International Newsletter December 2013


New article: “What does relationship mean?”

 Many relationships exist in the world. It is hard to enumerate them all. Relationships exist wherever humans live. Discord exists in every relationship either overtly or subtly, and it is often especially among family relationships. It is the bane of every relationship. The upbringing and education may be meticulous, but discord nevertheless ….read further

Articles in German and Dutch translation


Discussion article: “What does oneness mean?”

Linkedin Non-Duality group with AAU


L: Universal wisdom will find its way to humanity. There were times 'we' went the round-about way. Past and future will slowly die....

AAU: Universal wisdom found its way even in ancient times. Universal knowledge still makes man go the round-about way. Nothing dies; everything gets transformed from one form to another, as everything is energy, meaning light, in simple words. Past and future will remain real to Universal knowledge. Universal wisdom will reveal past, future and knowledge as…. read further


Letters to AAU:

“It is also my wish for your birthday that many more find their way”

Rebecca Perry, USA

Happy Birthday to you dear Dr. Shankar. The wisdom you share has changed my life in ways almost impossible to articulate.  While it is customary for the birthday person to receive gifts on their birthday, we are the one's receiving the gift that Life gave when it brought you into this world. May we who have somehow become aware of your presence in life continue to receive for many years to come the wisdom and the possible understanding that can come from it, and may you enjoy good health and all that you require as you continue to pass through this life. It is also my wish for your birthday that many more find their way to what you share so that they too can appreciate each day, no matter what it brings.


“still man forgets”

Gerard Benerink, Netherland

Enjoyed very much the article ‘what does forget mean?’ The impact of not being the doer/ thinker is so close in daily life; very recognizable. How many software/ systems are there because of fear forgetting and still man forgets.


“what a bigger force to make man understand”

Gerard Benerink, Netherland

Read the article ‘what does reaction mean?’ several times. The article is wonderful and so clearly explained. What a force to make reaction happen and what a bigger force to make man understand.


“it is a TRUE reminder of what living in the ‘now’ really IS”

Diane, USA

The article ‘what does response mean?’ is beyond beautiful. The adjective for this gem has not been created. It is yet out of this world!!!!! For all folks who are so interested in the "Now" and it's so called Power or the very popular sentence "be present" as one so often hears in spiritual circles, and amongst mass crowds of billion followers online of popular TV shows. "What does response mean" takes the reader by the hand and gently points and explains what is responding to life as it presents itself every moment fresh and new, versus imagining, speculating, interpreting and basically reacting to life that never is nor will be, whereby missing living altogether. Fortunate is the reader who will take to heart this article for it is a TRUE reminder of what living in the ‘now’ really IS.


“I am sure this has never been explained before”

Diane, USA

The article ‘What does forget mean?’ oozes love, true care and concern for quality of life for all of humanity. I am sure this has never been explained before but in high need of explanation for so much unnecessary disappointment between family and friends happens daily because of the lack of understanding what 'forget' correctly means. Dr. Shankar has taken something which man takes for granted to understand but in fact does not, and explained logically how to forget or not to forget is not up to man and never can be. The light shared here on 'what does forget mean' can save many families lots of unnecessary heartache! Thank you Dr. Shankar for your constant reminders.


“harmony, real love with understanding will be the outcome”

Diane, USA

Thank you Dr. Shankar for the article " What does remember mean" if read and understood by every member of every family worldwide…. harmony, real love with understanding will be the outcome. This is peace on earth what so much is wished especially around this time of  year… makes not only for Merry Christmas but Merry Life. Thank you for this and all the gifts you gift so freely.


“I've been reading the book, "The Illusions of Life", once again”

Bill Kelley, USA

I read and enjoyed the newest article on the website " What is happiness ". I've been reading the book, "The Illusions of Life", once again after many years. The book has a wonderful flowing quality now and happiness too, both of which it did not have the first time I read it in 2003. The chapter on the illusion of the body ends with a beautiful description of what the body actually is. In it you share with us, the atma, or soul, is pure energy with inherent ability to reflect. This reflection is consciousness, which is energy too. Consciousness transforms itself into five elements. The innate reflective potential of consciousness comes into play, and this makes the five elements self-illumined. The reflected light rays originating from consciousness are passed through the five elements and get reflected as the body. These reflected light rays enter the eye and reach the brain. The mind comes into play and converts the reflected rays into labels, which are in the form of thoughts. The body is therefore a thought and not an object. This is why the body doesn't feel the bed on which it sleeps, because the mind isn't there to declare the presence of a body as a thought. My take, which is obvious, is that this process is incredibly fast. It's just amazing and so beautiful . Thank you Dr.Shankar.


Comment: Article ‘what does relationship mean?

Julian, UK.

In the classical world of Greek mythology the goddess of Discord (Eris) was not invited to a famous wedding among the gods, for obvious reasons. Not to be thwarted by this insult to her person, she threw a golden apple amongst all those attending inscribed with the words 'for the fairest'. The winner in the ensuing competition amongst the goddesses for being adjudged 'the fairest' was the one offering the prize of the most beautiful woman in the world (Helen) to the adjudicator (Paris). What followed was the Trojan War, an epic account of human suffering. Not all family disputes lead to such wars, but, without understanding, discord in relationships is a regular, uninvited guest.


“Understanding is the key”

Marcus, Stegmaier, Germany.

Thank you for the article "What does relationship mean?" Nobody can deny that discord is present in every relationship, although everybody longs for harmony. In order to create harmony in a relationship, manipulation is the outcome and love goes out of the window. It is the irony of life to be a harmonious non-dual flow appearing sometimes discordant in man‘s and woman‘s mind, because duality makes life appear as discord and it's counterpart harmony in an endless interplay. Dr. Shankar‘s article is the key for life‘s harmony to reveal itself beyond the duality of the mind, without the need of any manipulation, not even of the mind, so that love will prevail in a real relationship. Understanding is the key.


"There is no escape from discord while in a relationship”
Diane, USA

Article "what does relationship mean" touches upon the delicate subject almost all families have had a taste of for short or long periods. It is such a brave simple explanation to take to heart, reading this article over and over and sharing with all friends and family is the best technique and counseling possible. May it make many readers curious especially after reading following wonderful sentence. "There is no escape from discord while in a relationship, unless your own mind is understood for what it really is – illusory and not real". Lovely article Dr. Shankar.


“It gives me an opportunity to be patient and trust life”
Bill Kelley, USA

I read and enjoyed the article "what does relationship mean?" It is so true that those that we are in a relationship with constantly give us the opportunity to have a deeper understanding of Life, especially if we're living in close range of them. The book "Understanding Life- Space and Time" is a wonderful read, and helps a lot with the challenges that the mind cooks up. It gives me an opportunity to be patient and trust life. All that you have shared has been truly invaluable. Thank you.


New CD’s:





“Arrival of meaning”

to shop






“Intellect cannot comprehend life’s intelligence”

to shop



Comment: CD ‘Life flows’

Elisabeth, Netherland

When you  become aware, when you become alert, and you are in the timeless now, would you recognize the slower movements of the body which your mind could not recognize as a thought? What is happening beyond this range of known? Would you be living that moment and not thinking about that moment? That is the time you become life. Thank You, Dr. Shankar. I am so happy You have spoken about the significance of the range of known, this spectrum range of known. Beautiful satsang.. to shop


Comment: CD ‘What is man?’

Elisabeth, Netherland

Why is man unable to recognize love in his daily life? His craving for love, wanting love, is life's way of showing you are looking for yourself. Love is your being, your very own being. Whenever you form an opinion, whenever you make a judgment or a criticism, take a step back and recognize love will be lost. Love is in life, not in the mind. Man must address a question to himself, what am I in life? What do I signify? Find out that answer which cannot be questioned. Love or God is the aliveness of the moment. Love is your being. Love is present every moment of life. You are living in love. Recognize it and be done with it. The statement that the illusion is not for a real man, the illusion is for an illusory individual is profound. Dr. Shankar conveys a beautiful understanding so that you may sink into life which is just nothing but light and sound. You become light and sound, you are not separate from it. to shop


For understanding to happen it is very important to read and listen over and over again the books, CD’s, DvD’s available on this website


Re-think your thinking!

See article “rethink





